Saturday, January 31, 2015

goes to show: they really don't know me...


To many, I'm a
perfect stranger. But they're wrong:
I have a few faults...


(17 Syllables)

Friday, January 30, 2015

The Page 3 Beauty Page3ant...


The competition
was pretty stiff. And so were
half the men watching...


('The prettier, the stiffer, in fact': 17 Syllables)

Thursday, January 29, 2015

no woman should be tastier than her food...


"there's no point dressing
to kill, honey, if you cook
the same way," I sighed...


(17 Syllables)

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

patience is a virtue...


Our daughter didn't
learn to crawl until two. Or
was it two-thirty?...


('Early learning': 17 Syllables)

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

100% commitment to the energy crisis...


I've done nothing to
conserve energy. And you
can't do more than that...


(or do I mean 'less'?)

('Conserving energy? I've conserved loads': 17 Syllables)

Monday, January 26, 2015

"that's cleared that up, then," said the doctor...


"Is that true, Anne? Or
do people just think it's true?" -
"I think it's true, Joan"...


(snatch of conversation heard on the bus the other day)  

('Putting your money where your mouth brain's never been': 17 Syllables)

Sunday, January 25, 2015

only contortionists look good out of shape...


my wife bends over
backwards to make me happy -
but not every night...


(letting yourself go - it's the best way of keeping fit)

('Flexitime': 17 Syllables)

Saturday, January 24, 2015

there's no smoke without ire...


I started smoking
at twelve. Mum went berserk. So
I stopped at half-past...


(17 Syllables)

Friday, January 23, 2015

surreal ale drinker...


"New here?"..."Yes, sir"..."Me,
too, mate"..."Right, sir, what'll it
be?"..."Usual, please"...


putting the 'guess' into 'Guinness'...

('Just another inn joke': 17 Syllables)

Thursday, January 22, 2015

alas and alack, for the lack of a lass (no more Page 3 girls in The Sun?)


no, having a broad
on page 3 doesn't make the
paper a broad sheet...


From 'Red Topless' to 'Red Top' (yesterday's news: The Sun is said to be about to consign Page 3 girls to history)

('Page 3 girls: less of a turn-on, more of a turn over': 17 Syllables)

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

embarking on a relation-ship...


if you want to get
off with someone on cruise ships,
get on with no-one...


('I didn't get on with her, but I do now': 17 Syllables)

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

stiff as a - bored?...


I went to bed with
a dumb blonde last night and was
bored. Stiff. Four times...


(I'd wanted to f***k make love her brains out, but someone had obviously beaten me to it)

('Dumb and, er, dummer': 17 Syllables)

Monday, January 19, 2015

Frankenstein's monster...


when mad scientists
make friends, they tend to make them
from odd bits of scrap...


(I'm a self-made man myself (and they said it couldn't be done): 17 Syllables)

Sunday, January 18, 2015

getting into the spirit of the game...


you have to finish
on a double in darts - mine's
a rum & coke, thanks...


('The Four Tops: tank tops, lager tops, double tops, bus tops': 17 Syllables)

Saturday, January 17, 2015

great reception guaranteed...


is it true only
a TV chef can create
satellite dishes?...


- maybe, but certainly when 'set meals' means 'TV Set meals'...

('Is jelly a set meal? Discuss': 17 Syllables)

Friday, January 16, 2015

homonymphomaniacs do it aurally...


NOTHING annoys more
than a noise - so nothing should
be allowed aloud...


Breach of the peace: "come quietly," said the policemen to the lovers on the park bench. "We just have," they smiled...

('Seeing red: how I hate TANNOYS!': 17 Syllables)

Thursday, January 15, 2015

less of a quote, more of a rough estimate...


"£2K or not £2
K?" shrugged my builder when I
asked him for a quote...


('That's what comes of living in a Hamlet': 17 Syllables)

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

confectionery: fectionery for cons...


does jailhouse rock have
'Her Majesty's Government'
written right through it?...


('Criminal record? No, a bloody good one': 17 Syllables)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

going down: Ali Baa Baa - the black sheep of the family..


"Him? As good as gold?"
spluttered the judge, "balderdash!
He's covered in gilt!"...


(17 Syllables)

Monday, January 12, 2015

food for thought (non-vegetarian)


freezing cows sit down,
warm cows stand in the shade, hot
cows taste delicious...


(17 Sillybillybles)

Sunday, January 11, 2015




R.I.P-roaring contest ends in dead heat...


neither fighter beat
the other to death - they died
completely in sync...


('A match made ending in heaven': 17 Syllables)

Saturday, January 10, 2015

poor old dad - he's bought three...


if marriage is a
lottery, then the tickets
are damned expensive...


(17 Syllables)