Sunday, December 31, 2023

It's what I do...


As I sat down to
watch paint dry, I put on a
new coat. Watched that, too...


(17 Syllables)

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Spreading the joy! (?)...


A trouble shared is
a trouble halved. The reverse
applies to haiku...


(By putting this one
out there, I'm sure I'll attract
the odd troll or two...)

(17 Syllables)

Friday, December 29, 2023

Doh! (re mi...?)


I'd like to end on
a positive note, and I
think I've found the one: 🎵


(The musical note
here is silent, just like the
in 'c' in 'indictment')

(17 Syllables) 

Thursday, December 28, 2023

There's always the local charity shop...


I've so much love, but
nowhere to put it - should I 
just give it away?...


(nowhere to put it? -
here's an idea: why not get
yourself a tallboy?)

(17 Syllables)
According to my gardening manual, Boots did the right
thing by lopping off a few of its branches just before the
onset of winter... (Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, Dec. 28)

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Life, eh?...


I've lived, I've loved, shared 
a whisky and tears  - and it's
still only Tuesday...


(17 Syllables)

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

patience is a virtue...


as taking offence 
becomes the hobby for all,
laughter waits its turn...


(17 Syllables)

Monday, December 25, 2023



I had a chance to
play the trumpet today, but
I blew it.............LOUDLY!


(17 Syllables)

Saturday, December 23, 2023

I should have tucked it under the saddle...


I put a fiver
on a horse today - but it
blew off in the wind...


(17 Syllables)

Friday, December 22, 2023

Even though there's no profit in a haiku?


In haiku, as in
business, what it comes down to
is the bottom line...


(17 Syllables)

Thursday, December 21, 2023

News item in the papers today...


John Cleese claims to have
killed a man. "Was it murder...
or mans laughter, John?"


(He died of laughter in the audience, allegedly)

(17 Syllables)

Wednesday, December 20, 2023


Living within a
stone's throw of anything's quite risky these days. Thugs.


(17 Syllables)
If found to have committed a crime, could Baroness Mone
end up behind bras?...
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, December 21)
(Vincent Hefter, Mail on Sunday, December 24)

The wrong shade of white...


My wife's wanting a
divorce. Apparently, I
don't match the decor...


(17 Syllables)

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

[E] [G] [G] [S]


Scrabbled eggs: they're more
than just a square meal, they're a 


(17 Syllables)

Monday, December 18, 2023

a fish supper...


"where should I pour the
tartare butter sauce, luv?" - "all
over the plaice, dear"...


(17 Syllables)

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Whatever it was, it must have been pretty bad...


If we're getting the
politicians we deserve, 
what did we do wrong?...


(17 Syllables)

Saturday, December 16, 2023

I'm beginning to feel like one - or is it arthritis?...


How old must you be
before you can call yourself
an elder statesman?...


Friday, December 15, 2023

A perfect match...


My better half? It's 
the SECOND half - it's then that
I normally score...


(17 Syllables)

Thursday, December 14, 2023

I want this one done by tea, please...


I don't write these things
myself. The butler does. It
saves me so much time...


(17 Syllables)
I bet chicken feet taste fowl (edited from I'm a Celeb observation)
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, December 14)

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Variety? It ain't the spice of MY life!...


Pork chops? AGAIN? My
wife should be on the telly.
Nothing but repeats!...


(17 Syllables)

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Samantha Barks - IMDb....


You sing louder than
our dog barks! - (but not better
than Samantha Barks)


(17 Syllables)

Monday, December 11, 2023

Three score years and tennis...


The older I get,
the older I WANT to get -
no point stopping now!...


(17 Syllables)

Sunday, December 10, 2023

A pencil dress that needs no sharpening...


Do blunt people wear
sharp clothes to make up for their


(17 Syllables)

Covid-19 inquiry...
Well-bread PM to
be grilled on Monday. Sure to
be toast by Tuesday?...

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Do tents count?...


Mansion, terrace, flat
or semi? - Is this REALLY
what we're defined by?...


(17 Syllables)

Friday, December 8, 2023

Though, ironically, this haiku has NO title...


Never Say Di - she
was 'Diana, Princess of 
Wales', if you don't mind...


(17 Syllables)
The Six O'Clock News...
Another bomb, three
girls scream. Pen in hand, cat on
lap, I watch. Involved.
---------- o ----------
MASSIVE blast, a house
destroyed. Pen in hand, cat on
lap...what price haiku?
---------- o ----------

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Still life (but only just)


Lucky the artist
who draws blood: all he has to
do is rub it out...


(17 Syllables)

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

good point - unnecessarily well made...


a pencil doesn't
have to be that sharp if it
intends to draw blood...


(17 Syllables)

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

50 shades of red...


An artist who wants
to draw blood should first decide
on the right colour...


(17 Syllables)

Monday, December 4, 2023

autumnal silence...

---------- o ----------

a final leaf takes 
leave of the bough, and lays down
its life with a ssshhh... 🍃

---------- o ----------

a quiet, unheard by
others, yet louder still...than
those who shed no tears...

---------- o ----------

(17 Syllables...x 2)

Say hello to happiness by chatting to strangers, my newspaper tells me.
Tell you what, it works! Someone came up to me yesterday to complain
about the weather. "Do you always speak to strangers?" I asked.
"Only perfect ones," he replied. Best compliment I've had in years!

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Marriage vows...


Did you just say "till
dawn do us part," pet? - I was
hoping for longer...


(17 Syllables)

Saturday, December 2, 2023

"Well, that explains the inferiority complex," sighed my shrink...


I'm a humorous
haiku, me: just seventeen
rather sillybles...


(17 Syllables)

Friday, December 1, 2023

We've all been there, right?...


Laugh? Tears were running
down my trousers! (At least, that's
what I told myself)


(17 Syllables)