Thursday, February 20, 2025

                                               THE WAITRESS...
                                               She thought he was rude,
                                               So spat in his coffee -
                                               "They gave me the sack,
                                               But I don't give a toffee"...

                                              EATING MY WORDS...
                                              I swallowed my pride
                                              (Having dunked it in tea)
                                              And now I'm as humble
                                              As humble can be...

Saturday, February 15, 2025

                      No rest for the wicked? Thankfully, not many snooker players 
                      ARE wicked, so they'll still be able to use one...

Friday, February 14, 2025


It's a table for one,
Which isn't much fun
On a day which is truly romantic.
But I'm sure I'll be fine
If I order some wine
And a glass which is simply gigantic.
------------ or ------------
It's a table for one,
Which isn't much fun
Whilst others are eating in pairs.
But what's there to lose?
I'll order some booze
And ignore all the whispers and stares.
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, Feb. 14 (They published the first one)