Wednesday, September 14, 2016

not going bust is just as important as having one...


models don't just need
a head for business, but a
body for it, too...


(Pretty (tick) Successful (tick) business (tick) model (tick) required: 17 Syllables)
Mel 'n' Sue are leaving Bake Off. Cue strange feeling of mel 'n 'choly...
Now that Ofcom has endorsed sex on the telly, how about bringing back
a revamped 'Lust of the Summer Wine' for us oldies?...
Victoria Beckham describes her family as a 'travelling circus'. Certainly
the only one with a surgically-enhanced big top...
Victoria Beckham describes her family as a 'travelling circus'. Two
clowns doth not a circus make, Victoria...

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