Monday, November 30, 2020

but hey, the box it comes in could be...


A pizza's round, a 
slice triangular- NO WAY
is it a square meal...


(17 Syllables)
Xmas money-saving tips (contd.)...
If you can't afford a massive turkey this year, why
not watch one, instead? I recommend 'Did You Hear 
About the Morgans' with Hugh Grant. Sorry, Hugh...
Johnny's Depplorable advert...
'Aftershave advert causes quite a stink'. Hardly 
the sort of headline Dior were after, exactly...
A torch in her face every 15 minutes? Is that a 
detention centre Ghislaine Maxwell's in - or a 
torcher chamber?...
Why does 'The Crown' choose to so badly 
misrepresent the Duke of Edinburgh? Especially
now, when the Queen could do with a bit of a Fillip.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

I don't know much about art, but I know what I'm married to...


My darling wife's as
pretty as a picture. "The
Scream," by Edvard Munch...


(17 Syllables)
Covid guidelines...
Weird, or what? This year I'm told I can't play
Scrabble at Xmas - last year I was told I couldn't
play Xmas at Scrabble! (It's not in the Scrabble 
dictionary, aparently)
No board games at Christmas this year? Shame. 
I got bored playing it last year, but I got it on a
triple word score and won the game! Highlight
of the holiday!...
No Scrabble this year? Bugger! But at least we
can have turkey and all the trimmings - a 
24-square meal fit for a ***king **** *****! 
(aka 'an effing sore loser')

Saturday, November 28, 2020

whatever it is, it's been cured...


What do you save if
you save a vegan's life? Not
their bacon, surely?...


(17 Syllables)
Donald Trump probably saw himself as the Terminator.
Doesn't seem too keen on being a 'Single Term'inator...
Trump was always accusing Biden of having a bunker
mentality. If he hates bunkers that much, why spend so
much time in them on the golf course? Hypocrisy?...
Below par in the Oval Office, above par on the golf
course - how much better would Trump's presidency
have been had it been the other way round?... 
#DiaperDon - King of the North American incontinent...

Friday, November 27, 2020

The route of all evil ---> (closed for repairs)


Great news! The Government's going to plough 
loadsamoney into infrastructure, apparently. 
And yippee, the road to ruin's going to be one of 
the first to be resurfaced!...

It's as if they knew: the less tax you pay, the 
longer HMRC takes to pick up the phone. 
Just to tax you that little bit more...
PRETTY POLLYTECHNIC - where students learn things parrot-fashion...
"DO NOT ENTER"TAINMENT - our theatres are closed...
BEAU-TfL - my Freedom Pass!...
Any truth in the rumour #DiaperDon wants to take over
the already sh***y Incontinental Hotels?...

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Bring on the Covid slay bells!...


We're all wanting a
Christmas to die for. And
this year we just might!...


(17 Syllables)
Diego Maradona, RIP...
We mourn your passing. But not your heading
or dribbling - that was pretty good. RIP and
God speed, Diego...
Newspapers say drinking cocoa will make me 
smarter. I sure hope so, I made a right Horlicks 
of my exams last week...
HANDKERMINION - underling who works for 

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Once you've heard it, you can never UNhear it!...


Abe Lincoln's back in
the White House! "Good luck in your
new job,  A. Blinken!"...


('US Secretary of state, Antony Blinken': 17 Syllables)
Tiers of a clown (Boris, to you) - they're getting tougher:
-------------------------------- o -----------------------------------
No wonder business chiefs are calling the Conservatives
the 'purgaTory Party'...
Fox, duck, goose, turkey, bird...
Fox Channel's (lame)duck golden goose pardons turkey
as world gives him the bird. Seems the White House has
turned into a petting zoo...

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Poetic justice...


Notice to thieves: if you leave a message in an
empty safe saying "you've been screwed", you 
can hardly complain if the cops later come along
and say "you've been nailed"...

Did I hear right? The Archbishop of Canterbury is to
take a three-month Abbatical to study Swedish 
popular music?...
Cyclists of the world, unite! "2 wheels good, 4 wheels 
bad!" as I'm sure George Orwell would have written 
had he still been alive...
If you tip a waiter too much, will he fall over? (asks 
the man who hates coarse jokes, but doesn't mind 
sweet-course ones)

Monday, November 23, 2020

Mrs laughter-dinner speaker...


it's murder being a
female comic - better make
that (wo)manslaughter... 

If Boris is pants, does Carrie wear the 
How can you say being a comedian's murder?
As far as I could see, no-one came CLOSE to
dying of laughter during your set...
White Hose leaks confirm 'Sleepy Joe' will 
be more than grateful to have Dr Faucet on 
tap still. Hose? Leaks? Faucet? Tap? It's 
Watergate all over again!...

Sunday, November 22, 2020



When will the vaccine
be Maida Vailable to
my mum in N6?...


(17 Syllables)
Politicians tend to call a spad a spad. Me, I prefer 
the term 'special adviser'...
No wonder Boris let Priti Patel off the hook. It's
what fish huggers do...
Does equal opportunity mean there'll be just as
many 'womenial' jobs as 'menial' ones in future?...
Ironic, or what? I hear Prince Charles hates a
certain Netflix royal drama so much, he wants to
Crown the producers. I imagine that's not quite 
the same as a knighthood...

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Only use very well-red onions [sic - if you eat too much]


TARAMASALATA has 6 straight 'A's! 
That's 6 more than the average Trump 
supporter, I would suggest. Food for 
thought? Or thoughtful food?...

Vaccine rollout plan...
Presumably the local vaccination centre's going to 
be known as the Jabcentre Plus?...
Wokeness gone mad...
According to the BBC, will the Lord's Prayer now 
have to end "...for thine is the kingdom, the power 
and the glory, for ever and ever. Apeople."?...
Come the 'green revolution', I doubt we'll be seeing
much of Vin Diesel...
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, November 23)
President Trump's advisers: "74,000,000 votes, sir! 
Your numbers are up!" The American people: 
"74,000.000 votes, pal! Your number's up!" No 
wonder he's confused...

Friday, November 20, 2020

Labour leader withdraws whip from Corbyn...


Bumped into Jeremy Corbyn yesterday. 
He did seem to be in need of a bit of TLK. 
Tender loving Keir...

DAY KEIR CENTRE - House of Commons.
TENDER LOVING KEIR - opposition leader's softer side.
KEIRLESS - leaderless Labour Party.
INTENSIVE KEIR - opposition leader grills the PM.
KEIRWORN - suit once owned by opposition leader.
HEALTH KEIR CENTRE - opposition leader's bathroom cabinet.
CHILD KEIR - I want to be PM when I grow up.
BLEAK HOUSE - the White House till inauguration day...
The easier it is to pull on your trackie bottoms, the harder it
is to pull off the look...(V. Hefter, Daily Mail, November 19)
Keep your hair (dye) on, Rudy!...
Talk about a 'heated' press conference! Could it possibly be 
Rudy Giuliani's hair dye was running...for office? That really
would leave America browned off. Not sure which shade, 

Thursday, November 19, 2020

wow, it's worse than I thought (2)...


"My dad's crazy!" - "Why? 
Does he hear voices in his 
head?" - "No, he smells them"... 


(17 Syllables)
Will Jab Centres offer hope to the unemployed next
year? It'll take a lot of people to help vaccinate the
entire population...
Emma Thompson says she would rather stare at a 
table for two hours than have sex sometimes. Men, 
on the other hand, after staring at a table for two 
hours, would probably try to lay it...

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

when the ground's both hot and coal'd, haha...


Firewalkers are by far the worst climate 
change offenders - dirty great big carbon 
footprints all over the bloody shop!...


(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, November 18)
Heading a dementia taskforce will be a good deal 
safer than heading a football. At least now the world's 
waking up to the fact...
I bet my brother that Nigella Lawson's way of spreading
butter's no better than the conventional way. He wasn't
interested - he says he's not into spread betting...
I hear Dominic Cummings is now a cartoon stripper?
Has he joined the Chippendales?...

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

the funny bone...


Of course women can be comics! My 
sister's a comedian and most of her jokes 
are close to the bone - but it's always  
the humerus, haha...

New vaccine 95% effective! Outgoing US President 95% 
INeffective! Talk about perfect symmetry!...
"These great discoveries all took place on my watch,"
crows Donald Trump. "Which just happens to be a Rolex," 
he can't resist adding. Seems he just can't help himself...

Princess Camilla, the well-connected haiku...


Princess Camilla
Crociani de Bourbon
des Deux Siciles...


Is there anyone else on this planet whose name forms
a perfect haiku? Pretty niche, I know, but for those of 
us who haven't got a life, it's like...YIPPEE! 😂

(17 Syllables)

Monday, November 16, 2020

wow, it's worse than I thought...


My dad's crazy. "Does
he hear voices in his head?" 
No, in his elbow...


Given America's lax gun laws, it's a bit scary
to think of Trump supporters being able to 
wander around witrh loaded MAGAzines...
Never mind news networks and social media
companies, maybe Trump should think about 
starting his very own MAGAzine?...
Will a Boris shorn of Cummings have his 
shortCummings exposed?...
Keep Calm and (a right old) Carrie
Ms Symonds goes nuts, crackers and bananas! 
Who knew she was a vegan!?...

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Eat more deer and save British woodlands!...


I LOVE deer meet - but
where can I find a merchant 
of venison, pray?...


('With apologies to the Bard': 17 Syllables)
Mussolini Trumpolini...
Now that Trump refers to himself as Fox's 'golden goose', 
how soon before he starts golden goose-stepping?...
Not sure which is the more impressive: the total amount
of Covid-19 fitting on a spoon (news item), or the whole
of mankind sitting on a knife edge? Coronavirus and 
global warming seem intent on trying to outdo each other.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

The Off-White House...


"Now Trump's leaving, would
you say he's left his mark?" - "More
of a stain, I'd say"...


(17 Syllables)
A ban on junk food advertising on the internet?
I hope that includes spam...
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, November 16)
If Johnny Depp's being paid £8million to not 
appear in Fantastic Beasts, how much will they
pay me to not go and see it?...

Friday, November 13, 2020



haikus are very 
divisive..."no, they're not!"...yes,
they are..."no, they're not!"...


(17 Syllables)
When Donald Trump describes someone as 'highly
respected', you cannot help but wonder 'by whom'?
Why only three verses? How fitting would it have 
been had the Poet Laureate's tribute to the many 
unknown fallen warriors gone on...anon...anon...
When speaking to couturier king David Emanuel
what is the correct form of a dress, haha...

Thursday, November 12, 2020

'Loads 'n' loads of cash'mere...


Seems to me Prince Charles's idea of 'fast fashion' is
clothing you have to fast at least a year for till you
can afford to buy it!...

It's pretty clear Prince Charles's 'loads 'n' loads of cash'
mere fashion range isn't targeting the impecunious!...
Joe Biden's a very divisive man, too, you know"...
"no, he's not!"..."yes, he is"..."no, he's not!"..."yes,
he is"..."no, he's not!"..."yes, he is"...
ATTRIBUTE ACT - Pfizer pretend their recent success
is all down to Donald Trump. But they can't keep it up.
It's hard to judge a man by his friends when he doesn't 
have any. Just sycophants...
THANKS A LOTTERY - I've just won a tenner!
EGGSIT STRATEGY - keep it warm till chick hatches...

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

At least their humour won't be infectious...


Chris Whitty & Patrick Vallance - The Two 
Ronnies of Doom? Sounds like their job's to 
make sure we don't die - of Covid OR laughter!...

Is that all you've got, Donald?...
A loose cannon with no ammunition can still be fired.
America has spoken...
Donald Trump was always going to be a Marmite
politician. Sometimes spreading yourself too thinly's
not always a bad thing...
If President Trump & Melania had had a couple of 
dogs in the White House, as the Bidens are about to 
have, he'd probably have romped home. Missed out 
on all the dog lovers - basic error. Stable genius? 
Brainless, more like. "Here, boy"...

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

A marriage made in heaven knows where...


Are Donald and Melania close enough to finish each 
others' sentences? If so, will Melania do the last few 
years of Donald's probable 10-year one?...

What are the chances of there being a Donald Trump
presidential library? If so, will it provide crayons for
visitors to do the colouring-in?...
When you're number's up, you're number's up - even
if, at over 70,000,000, it's WELL up! Sorry, and all 
that, Donald, old boy...
How confused is America? Trying to fire a loose cannon 
by giving it the bullet was always going to be a struggle...
JAB A WOCKY? - sure, but jab the elderly and care 
workers first... (Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, November 24)
 & VIOLET - LGBTQ landscape gardeners to the stars.
(Great, great, great, great grandchildren of Brown)

Monday, November 9, 2020

marriage guidance...


you can only heal 
a relationship once you've 
got rid of the heel...


('You calling me a heel?': 17 Syllables)
CUL-DE-SACK - fired from a dead-end job...
Instead of conceding to Joe Biden, President Trump
played golf all weekend. Pretty much par from the 
course (which I doubt he's ever managed when playing)
My neighbour claims to be President Trump's second
cousin twice removed - once from the White House 
and once from Trump Towers. The same as the Donald 
probably will be...
Do as you would be done by, Donald. Anyway, it looks
like you'll be done by Jan 20, whatever you do.
Inauguration Day, right?...

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Bye-bye, Trump!...

It's a P45 for the P45!...


Some people thought Donald Trump was the
best thing since sliced bread. I wonder what
they think now he's toast?...
(I'll resist the 'brown bread' jokes)

I hear Trump's courting the Democrats. Who'd have 
thought it? District courts, city courts, circuit courts,
you name it. Hell hath no fury like a Donald scorned...
Will Donald Trump's 'go to war'drobe soon consist of
nothing but law suits? (Until his nearest and dearest 
decide to club together for the odd straitjacket)

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Lockdown (2): home sweet home brew...


The Quiet Night Inn isn't that bad, but it's
never going to be my favourite watering hole, 
to be honest. Not too keen on the landlord...

Right <-----------------> Wrong
What's Trump doing right now? Er, nothing. What's he doing
wrong now? Everything. Who'd have thought it? Er, everyone...
I hear Trump's taken up cooking. He's probably stewing in the 
White House as we speak...

Friday, November 6, 2020


I wonder how many of the lawsuits currently 
being filed by Donald Trump will be end up 
being dismissed in a sentence - to be served 
by the plaintiff when he leaves office...

'Block Head of State': not so much an insult, more an 
instruction to Twitter's overseers...(@realDonaldTrump)
newspaper headline. Wow, that's some intelligent iceberg. 
But I bet it can't spell chiwawa chihuahua for me!
103% of Americans canvassed thought pollsters got the US
presidential election predictions 100% right, latest poll shows...

Thursday, November 5, 2020

'From this house to the White House'...Oops?


Seems the writing's well and truly on the wall 
for Joe Biden. Such a shame, as it's the wall of 
his childhood home and he wrote it himself...
(Good news! I could be wrong! Biden might yet win!)

Maybe they should have called Joe Biden's
campaign bus the 'blunder'buss. Loaded (as it
now seems to be turning out) with a candidate
who simply made too many, er, blunders...
When (if?) he wins, will 'Sleepy Joe' still be 
carted round in what they call 'The Beast', or 
will it be renamed 'The Somnambulance'?...
"STOP THE COUNT" is trending. "STOP
THE C(O)UNT" would be more appropriate...
How soon before Trump becomes history?...

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Marcus Rashford...


Boris Johnson, Maggie Thatcher, Ted Heath...
they've all had their problems with strikers. The 
only difference being that this one happens to be a
particularly good one who plays for Man United...

When it comes to intelligence, blood is thicker
than water and platinum's denser than gold. But
hey, at least the sun's fairly bright!...
If the seriously litigious Johnny Depp ever courts 
a woman again, I wonder which court it'll be?...
Pan(ason)ic buying: I've just bought five TVs
and two cameras! You can't be too careful!...

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

kicking the can a good 2 inches down the road...


a month-long lockdown
makes about as much sense as, 
well, an ob-long one...


(17 Syllables)
Nearly every time he speaks, Trump turns the air 
blue. And quite a few states, too, if the polls are 
to be believed. Here's hoping...
'Out to pasture'? What does that mean? 'Well
pasture best', presumably. (Strictly's Craig revels
in controversy yet again)
ATENDANCE - a 'Strictly' dance scoring 3 better 
than one of Len Goodman's iconic '7's...
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, November 3)
Turns out Heard immunity doesn't work in court
for certain Hollywood actors...

Monday, November 2, 2020

The Anagrammys...


Some pop stars haven't made the charts 
since Covid reached our shores - seems 
the virus scared the hits out of 'em!...


"That's a sh*t anagram!" - "No, it's not. I think it's quite good"...
"No man is an island, but some of us are clusters," 
(declares Archie Pelago)
If Trump had his way, every American would live
in a red state, and every book would remain in an
unread one. Unless it happened to sing his praises,
of course...
What's the betting the late Sean Connery's now
hoping 'You Only Live Twice' is a statement of fact?
Boris Johnson finds a magic lamp. "I grant you three
Rishis," says the genie. "Great!" says Boris, "they
can replace Matt, Michael and Dominic"...

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Not a job many would relish, I reckon...


Yes, Donald Trump may
have recovered from Covid -
but he's still got aides...


(17 Syllables)
If Christians worship in church, do sinners 
worship in sinnergogues? Er, no...but maybe 
anti-Semitic Labour Party members should...
The Great Fox-Spider has been rediscovered
in the UK, apparently. Bloody hell, first 
Covid-19, now Arachnid-20. Whatever next?