Friday, November 20, 2020

Labour leader withdraws whip from Corbyn...


Bumped into Jeremy Corbyn yesterday. 
He did seem to be in need of a bit of TLK. 
Tender loving Keir...

DAY KEIR CENTRE - House of Commons.
TENDER LOVING KEIR - opposition leader's softer side.
KEIRLESS - leaderless Labour Party.
INTENSIVE KEIR - opposition leader grills the PM.
KEIRWORN - suit once owned by opposition leader.
HEALTH KEIR CENTRE - opposition leader's bathroom cabinet.
CHILD KEIR - I want to be PM when I grow up.
BLEAK HOUSE - the White House till inauguration day...
The easier it is to pull on your trackie bottoms, the harder it
is to pull off the look...(V. Hefter, Daily Mail, November 19)
Keep your hair (dye) on, Rudy!...
Talk about a 'heated' press conference! Could it possibly be 
Rudy Giuliani's hair dye was running...for office? That really
would leave America browned off. Not sure which shade, 

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