Saturday, November 21, 2020

Only use very well-red onions [sic - if you eat too much]


TARAMASALATA has 6 straight 'A's! 
That's 6 more than the average Trump 
supporter, I would suggest. Food for 
thought? Or thoughtful food?...

Vaccine rollout plan...
Presumably the local vaccination centre's going to 
be known as the Jabcentre Plus?...
Wokeness gone mad...
According to the BBC, will the Lord's Prayer now 
have to end "...for thine is the kingdom, the power 
and the glory, for ever and ever. Apeople."?...
Come the 'green revolution', I doubt we'll be seeing
much of Vin Diesel...
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, November 23)
President Trump's advisers: "74,000,000 votes, sir! 
Your numbers are up!" The American people: 
"74,000.000 votes, pal! Your number's up!" No 
wonder he's confused...

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