Sunday, January 31, 2021

First impressions...


Light travels faster
than sound. Which is why John seemed
bright - until he spoke!...


(17 Syllables)
Apparently, Melinda Messenger used to be able to 'stand
around for an hour' on a photoshoot and get £20,000. No
wonder they say "Don't shoot the Messenger" - it costs 
too much!...(Vincent Hefter, Mail on Sunday, January 31) 
ESCHEWING GUM - the giving up of an unseemly habit...
The EU 'vaccine war' against the UK continues apace. Still
no knockout punch, but the EU does seem to be struggling
in the face of the UK's sudden flurry of jabs...
COMPEWTER TANKARD - ideal gift for IT workers 
with a thirst for knowledge...

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