Thursday, April 8, 2021

English grammar...


There IS no Antonym for Cleopatra...

Special Advisers...
You've got to hand it to Alan Duncan in his
memoirs: he certainly calls a Spad a Spad.
And usually with knobs on!...
We're saved!...Oh, dear, we haven't saved 
enough: cavalries charging over the hill is 
one thing, insurance companies charging 
over the odds quite another...
Enough of these posh boy politicians! Next
time round, let's have a PM who drops his
aitches - and not his trousers...
Just heard about one of the lesser-known 
AstraZeneca ciderfects: a fermented Adam's 
apple. Ouch...
£72 for a perfume you can't smell? It makes
no scents!...
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, April 8)

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