Saturday, October 31, 2020


I'll always stand for the National Anthem. I'll
never stand for not being allwed to sing it!...
(No singing to be allowed on Armistice Day)

LIVID-19 - fury at yet more restrictions...
"I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here!" say 
they've introduced a raft of measures to maintain 
safety. Knowing "I'm A Celebrity", it's probably 
a white-water raft and not THAT safe!...

Friday, October 30, 2020

would you (cr)edit it!...


to say my cooking's
incredible's almost true:
it's in(  )edible!...


(Cooking with gas(troenteritis?):17 Rather Syllabubs)

Thursday, October 29, 2020

No wonder he's not on many steering committees...


Police probe Starmer prang (news item). 
Could it be that he was driving without 
due Keir and attention?... 

Tasteless vintage relics? Love 'em! So much 
so, 'er indoors says I've turned our whole 
damned house into a bleedin' kitsch-en!...
The message for the Tories is pretty damned
clear: look after the North, or watch your 
fortunes head south. End of...
Pubs, please note: no way can a triangular 
slice of pizza be classified as a square meal.
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, October 29)

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

November 5th dinner...


"It's Catherine wheels &
mash tonight." - "Why Catherine wheels?" -
"I don't like bangers"...


(17 Syllables)
"I can't find 'George Bush the oak' anywhere in the family tree." -
"I'm not surprised. I think you'll find it's George Bush the elder"...
Rubbish Bin Laden, he was another...
You've got to hand it to the guy: an 'oh, so presidential' Trump
calls everyone garbage as only trash can...
Now Melania's recovered from Covid, I'm told she's going to hit 
the campaign trail - and pretend it's Donald...

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Singer loses 7 stone...


If Adele's worth her
weight in gold, then she's just lost
a bleedin' fortune!...


(17 Syllables)
If Matt Hancock is indeed an 'infuriating pygmy' (Daily
Mail), then I'm a Dutchman. Yours, etc, Piet van Rjkaard...
Prince Harry says he had to walk in Meghan's shoes to
understand unconscious bias. I wonder whose shoes
Eddie Izzard and Grayson Perry walk in, and what they 
have understood by so doing...

Monday, October 26, 2020

I love what you billet-doux to me...


"No, chérie, a love
letter in French isn't a
French letter, OK?...


('A very special Frenchship': 17 Syllables) 
Not only are supermarkets not as clean as they should
be, they're not as dirt cheap as I'd like, either...
Maybe I've got a dirty mind, but when Rudy Giuliani
says he was merely *ucking his shirt back in, I believe
him. He's a man who likes to take asterisks...
A dozen or so Barbarians face police action for 
breaking Covid-19 Government regulations. Let's hear 
it for the Baa-baa black sheep!...
'The Three Just Men' (or just three men?)
I bet a fair few Tories, tired of the PM and his Health
Secretary, long for a magic lamp whose genie could
grant them 3 Rishis...

Sunday, October 25, 2020

vegan name-droppers...


if you really want
to upset a vegan, call
him 'butterfingers'...


(17 Syllables)
Can you really lose weight by eating MORE? (news
item). Indeed you can. I was 93 kilos when I started
'reverse dieting', and I'm already down to 104 kilos...
Welsh supermarket no-go zones: how soon before
the rest of the 'non-essential' British aisles are forced
to follow suit?...
Who's been a naughtical buoy, then?...
Members fear sacking Prince Andrew as Commodore 
of the Royal Thames Yacht Club would be far from 
plain sailng, haha...

Saturday, October 24, 2020


Je ne regrette rien...
well, apart from not learning
French. What does it say?... 


Santa IS a key worker, says 'Nikolaus' Sturgeon. Well, he 
certainly was when he was played by Tim Allen. An Allen Key 
worker, in fact...
BODRERLNIE PESROANLTIY - borderline personality disorder.
Alcohol-free Guinness? As a man of the cloth whose cloth
has always been Black Velvet, I regard this as sacrilege!...

Friday, October 23, 2020

beef, lamb, pork - I really am a dork!...


Farmers with a beef lambast porkless pie 
makers (news item today). Meat and drink 
to headline writers. Well, meat, anyway...

(So many 'tier' jokes, let this one represent them all)
As Rudy Giuliani's interview with 'Borat's daughter'
progressed, his dilemma seemed to have become 
one of 'trousers on and jacket on'...or 'trousers off 
and jack(et) off'. If you get my drift...
A £215,000 grant for drag act Le Gateau Chocolat?
A rich chocolate cake just became even richer...
Guinness without alcohol is like rhyme without reason...

Thursday, October 22, 2020

(I knew he was in rude health, I 
just never realised it was that rude!)

2 Haiku (to be played in the quai of sea)

if sharks can have a
whale of a time, can whales have
a shark of a time?...


if humans can have
a whale of a time, what sort
of time do sharks have?...

"Fancy a bottle between us?" I used to ask friends on 
a night out. Now we're more likely to have a screen or 
two metres between us. I preferred the bottle...
Sad times.
Rain (of terror?) stops play. Every play... 
'DO NOT ENTERtainment,' state the signs on the theatre 
doors. Was there ever a sadder sight?...
It's just not cricket (or it's not just cricket?)

Wednesday, October 21, 2020



It's rutting season
at Richmond Park. Should be one
hell of a stag night!...


236 days later, along comes Bambi...

(17 Syllables)
Is Covid the new-monia?...
How would I describe Donald Trump? A 
Hunter-gatherer, foraging for whatever he 
can find to keep hold of power. Either Hunter
himself, or some of his e-mails - anything!...
NIGHTMAYOR - a city's utterly incompetent 
elected leader...
"Is Andy Burnham a Mayor or a Lord Mayor?"
someone asks the PM. "More of a Nightmayor,"
fumes Boris...

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Tracky Bottoms & The London Derriere...


the easier to 
pull on the pants, the harder
to pull off the look...


(17 Syllables)
"Awkward Man"chester...
Boris Johnson has probably regarded Andy Burnham
as a bit of a nightmayor these last few days...

If Meghan has her 'wokedrobe', does 
Harry keep his old fatigues in an 
'Afghan War'drobe?...

Who knew Rolling Stone Ronnie Wool was into
knitting? I'd always assumed it was, er, carpentry...
I went to a David Bailey exhibition once, but half
the photos were missing. I was told not to worry,
as those were the ones taken by a thief. The ones 
taken by Mr Bailey were still on show...
PLANE SAILING - joy ride on a seaplane...
Of course M&S undies should NEVER be sexy! 
Just as S&M undies should never be sensible...
Soldiers can serve until they're 65? Does that 
include the HouseOld Cavalry?...

Monday, October 19, 2020

Wow, you can't even see his lips move!...


Will Trump lie in state
one day? Of course he will, he
lies everywhere else...


(17 Syllables)
When it comes to Strictly, I see that the BBC pay
Claudia annually what they pay Tess Daly. 
Whatever happened to pay equality?...
SUGAR BEETHOVEN - the ideal composer for
those with a Suite tooth...
What was it that Health Minister Matt Hancock 
was drinking in the Commons Smoking Room 
bar? A divided House white?...
A 'very handsome chap'erone...
The gondolier was 23, she was 50. 'Oh, well,
worth taking a punt,' thought Melanie Sykes...
VENICE, VIDI, VICI - I came, I saw, I got a gondola! 
(And some canal route treatment to die for...)

Sunday, October 18, 2020

you can't see his lips moving, mind...


Here lies Donald J
Trump - in death, as in life. And
not even white lies...


(17 Syllables)
Sorry, darling...
Binge-watching all 12 episodes of Faulty Towers
is one thing, minge-watching all 7 of The Joy F*ck
Club quite another...
Was Boris ever bi-curious? Who knows? Was he 
ever ARCURI-ous? Rumour has it...
The Bridge of Sighs doesn't matter, and neither 
does age - not when you're Melanie Sykes and 
you've got a 23-year old as your Venetian 'very 
handsome chap'erone...

Saturday, October 17, 2020

shut the f**** up"!...


The c in 'indict'
is silent - I wish the hell
Donald J Trump were...


('See you in court': 17 Syllables)
"Dry martini, please" - "Sorry, sir, we're a wet pub"...
A £20k sheepdog? (news item today.) Let's hope 
the purchaser wasn't sold a pup!...
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, October 21)
"Auf wiedersehen, pet: a very good buy!" (said the breeder)
One in 4 of us wouldn't mind having a relationship
with a robot, apparently. Me, too. Especially one 
with a pert robottom!...

Friday, October 16, 2020


It's official: transgender women can still be
hookers. Or flankers, wingers and centres,
declares the Rugby Football Union...

Chatting to cattle may well make steaks tastier,
but who wants to listen to a load of old bull?...
(news item today)

Thursday, October 15, 2020

I can think of better superpowers to have, to be honest...


Wonderwoman: 'she
came...she saw...she wondered' - all
over the damned place...


(17 Syllables)
A man loses a stone and sues the jewellers he bought 
it from (news item). Really? When I lost a stone once, 
I sent Weight Watchers a thank you card!...
Scallop Wars II: when it's over, will the sea be littered
with unexploded shells?...
My sister made a pass at a rugby player at a party last
night. But it was ruled out - it was a forward one...
Never mind Covid, at least we can still play rugby. So
what if the touch judges are now don't touch judges?
No big deal...

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

causing a bit of a ballet-hoo...


There's no denying it: that Government advert
suggesting ballet dancer Fatima could retrain 
in IT was one heck of a faux pas de deux...

FAUX PAS DE DEUX - oops! ballet couple cock it up...

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

more 'kitchen table' than league table...


why should I step up 
to the plate when what I'm trying
to win is the cup?...


(17 Syllables)
BROKEN FAN-BELT - united I fanned, divided I stall...
VANITY FARE - a model's diet...
"WHY?"S AFTER THE EVENT - football team's 
inquest after a humiliating 7-0 defeat...

Monday, October 12, 2020

Well, that's one way of slimming...


LOOS WAIT - the queue for
the Ladies was so long, I 
lost about an ounce...


(17 Syllables)
When Joanna Trollope talks of her 'four-story 
house' in affluent Chelsea, is that how many 
she had to write to pay for it?...
Joanna Trollope saying she's given up on men
is like me saying I've given up on books after
reading a couple of Joanna Trollopes...
The Rose & Crown, 9:00-10:00pm: Unhappy Hour.
Trump as Superman? Not that much of a stretch. 
With his permanent 'orange glow' he looks like 
Carrot Souperman most of the time, anyway...

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act...


Trump? Transparent when
it comes to his health? Yeah, right.
What a HIPAA-crite...


(17 Syllables)
TRANSPARENT - LGBTQ mum or dad...
A threesome? Did he have to fousome?...
Was the priest arrested for having sex in church with two
dominatrices on an altar ego trip? (news item) Shouldn't
he have celebrated, er, mass (turbation?) on his own?...
Is Trump's enthusiasm still infectious? Why won't his
doctors come clean?...

Friday, October 9, 2020

A little too earnest, Hemingway?...


'The Old Man and the  
D' - rubbish sequel to 'The 
Old Man and the C'...


(17 Syllables)
ENGELBERT HUMPHUMPERDINCK - popular Bactrian crooner.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

HoL (House of Lords)


Baron Botham of
Ravensworth?! Pah! Is this 'work' -
or paid HoL-idays?...


('HoL, lol...': 17 Syllables)
Yeah, baby! Here's to the difference between 
rallying round the flag (Biden/Harris supporters) 
and rallying round the flagging!!! (Trump/Pence 
supporters) #BidenHarris2020 #DumpTrump
Boris's new Press Secretary...
Poor old Allegra Stratton. Poached by Boris, soon
to be grilled by the press and almost certain to be
roasted by the PM when she 'misspeaks'. She'll
probably end up on Bake Off...
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, Ocober 13)

Tuesday, October 6, 2020


CAPS! Almost as many as there are tw*ts 
in red MAGA ones...

Pounds, Shillings...and Mike Pence
What is the current
incumbent's incumb? It makes
no cents. "Nor does he?"...


(17 Syllables)
The States needs a President whose enthusiasm
is infectious, not whose body is - you don't need 
to wash your hands around infectious enthusiasm.
Though you might want to wash your hands of
the current incumbent...
GAOLKEEPER - governor's position in his prison's
football team (V. Hefter, Daily Mail, October 6)

Monday, October 5, 2020


When it comes to relationships, many 
of us go through a bi-curious phase. So, 
apparently, did Boris. Only in his case 
it was a Jennifer Arcuri-ous phase...

What goes around comes around, right? After
his Hunter Biden slur, what are the chances of
Trump's discharge from the Walter Reed 
medical center being a dishonourable one, too?
Thank God Boris's dad only broke his mum's
nose. I thought for a moment he'd broken her 
heart...(Everything's relative. Especially when the
relative's your dad)
Maybe Bob Geldof's daughter doesn't like being
recognised? You can't even make out her face in 
the photos - totally obscured by all that unruly 
hair. Her very own form of Pixielation!...

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Averse to 2020 (and who isn't?)


2020's not much fun,
so I'm off to bed till '21...
(if' '21 is lousy, too,
perhaps I'll sleep till '22.)

£60,000 Jack Vettriano cupboard door:
As an art and music lover, I have to say
I love Vettriano - and a door Handel, too.
(V. Hefter, Mail on Sunday, October 4)
What? Ivanka Trump has Presidential 
ambitions? Talk about an apocalipstick 
vision of the future!..
Strictly: baubles, bangles and beads - of sweat!
Of course it's 100% possible to have chemistry 
without sex. Not to mention history, geography, 
maths and physics. We may live in a permissive 
society, but it's not that permissive!...

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Trump in quarantine? I Hope Hicks apologised...


Where there's Trump, there's Hope.
But I guess she'll be wearing
a mask from now on...


(17 Syllables)
Hope Hicks: Trump advisor, or Wicked Witch of the
West (Wing)? "Hocus-pocus, infect the Potus!" Here's 
hoping he uses his time in quarantine wisely...
Leader of the Dinner Party...
Jeremy Corbyn & co were lucky to get away with it. Fine
dining's one thing, '£200 fine' dining's quite another...
Amanda Platell describes Jeremy 'dining with nine' 
Corbyn as a Marxist dinosaur. A photographasaurus, if I'm 
not mistaken. More humble pie, anyone?...
(Not so much what the butler saw, more a case of what 
the Marxist dinersaur, haha...)

Friday, October 2, 2020

Lewis Hamilton: Formula 1 - The Others lost...


fifty-nine laps of
concentration - not one lapse
of concentration...


('The winning formula': 17 Syllables)
By way of variety, maybe Henry Deedes could start
describing Sir Keir Starmer's pallid parliamentary
performances as forren[sic]?...
What happened to 'rapscallion'? 'Megan Thee Stallion'!
(In celebration of National Poetry Day.) The world has
moved on...
Chalk and cheese: after the presidential debate, Melania
Trump went on stage wearing a black pinstriped Dolce 
& Gabbana suit and Christian Louboutin heels. Jill
Biden, however, went on stage wearing her heart on her
sleeve - and gave her husband a tender hug...
Boris says he wants us to stick together but stay 2m apart.
OK, so which one is it? Confused, Tunbridge Wells...
Police want to cancel trick-or-treat celebrations? Oh, well, 
"Hallo and Goodbye"ween, I guess...

Thursday, October 1, 2020

"Just look how young I am!" (But he's mutton dressed as lamb.) Well, it IS National Poetry Day...


can those who look good
in their fifties also look
good in their onesies?...


(17 Syllables)
Wallace and Vomit: the one to miss...
The episode where Chris Wallace fails to control
an unruly, overgrown baby. Made me sick. (PG). 
Last in series?...
Car-crash debates cry out for a Ferrari. Can't Nick
fly over and moderate the next one?...
Splish, splash, splosh, what a load of tosh: it's
National Poetry Day! (Not just onomatopoeic -
"Get out of my pub, you're BARD!"...