Sunday, February 28, 2021

Wordy Wise (Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, February 24)

------------ o ------------

KNIGHTCAP - helmet,
KNIGHTFALL - occupational hazard when jousting,
THE STILL OF THE KNIGHT - that'll be the one he uses to make whisky,
KNIGHTINGALE - Sir Lancelot caught in storm,
KNIGHT NURSE - never tends to mere commoners,
KNIGHTCLUB - no title, no entry,
KNIGHT RIDER - Sir Gordon Richards,
TWELFTH KNIGHT - sub in knights' first XI,
KNIGHT WATCHMAN - bit of a comedown, but needs the money,
LADY OF THE KNIGHT - his missus,
STAG NIGHT - Deer Sir, 
THE KNIGHT IS YOUNG - Sir Andy Murray,
THREE-DOG KNIGHT - is Sir Andy thinking of getting a third?
THE KNIGHT HAS A THOUSAND EYES - the doctor will see you now, Sir,
SILENT KNIGHT - mime artist honoured by the Queen.

------------ o ------------

Saturday, February 27, 2021

The loner...


Life's a party, they
say. If that's the case, I wish
I'd been invited...


(17 Syllables)
People say Tiger Woods would never have crashed
had he used a driver. I'm not so sure. He's always 
had a problem with drivers...
Much enjoying Jean-Claude Van-Tam's latest role 
as England's deputy chief medical officer. He's 
certainly gor the accent down to a tee...
Talking of dementia, Gordon Taylor's lucky. However
tricky things got for him, years of heading the PFA
were never as traumatic as years of heading a 
football might have been...

Friday, February 26, 2021

better still, cast an eye on a thesaurus...


He who is without
synonyms, let him cast the 
first thing rock's made of...


(17 Syllables)

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Whatever floats your boat, I guess...


What! TWO superyachts?
It seems there's 'rich...very rich...
and ABRAMOrich!'


(17 Syllables)
The times they are a-changin': who needs clever 
literary plots these days? No one's Waiting for 
Godot any more, they're waiting for Gadot - in her 
next outing as Wonder Woman! Yeah, baby...
Following Ribena's lead, isn't it about time conventional
straw polls were replaced by recyclable paper ones?..

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

It's not that good, then?...


my memory's great -
I can't remember when I
last forgot something...


(17 Syllables)
Pimlico: there was I thinking I had a plum job. Seems 
Charlie Mullins's is plumber...
Fond as I am of the White House's two alsations and
No 10's Jack Russell, I do rather miss President Trump's 
poodle. What is Mike Pence up to these days?...
'Carry on working from home,' says Boris: WFH till June? WTF!

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

In sickness and in health...


"I've got this strange lump
on my side, doctor" - "It's your
husband, Mrs Jones"...


("Am I dying, doc?" - "Well, of boredom, possibly": 17 Syllables)
(1) "This is a hammer blow," say Tory MPs of Boris's 
'roadmap'. If they really think we're screwed, it must 
have been a screwdriver, surely?...
(2) "This is a hammer blow," say Tory MPs of Boris's
'roadmap'. Talk about hitting the nail on the head!...
The Bow Group may well be concerned about Carrie 
Symonds' role at No 10, but who's looking into the undue 
influence of Dilyn the Dog? The Bow-Wow Group?...

Monday, February 22, 2021


"Having children brighter than me is a 
cross I'd bear gladly," I told my wife. 
"But what if the cross-eyed bear was 
also brighter than you?" she laughed...

Posh Spice's fashion firm may well be in the red, but
I'm pretty sure it's the most stylish shade...
Reading about bitter Tory in-fighting just served to
remind me that the pubs are still closed. Not sure
which I miss more - the bitter or the inn-fighting!...
A £72 bottle of perfume that smells of nothing?
Makes no scents...

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Spending an hour on spending a penny......


LOOS WAIT - what you might 
well do, having to queue so
long for the 'Ladies'...


('The loo queue: who'd be a woman?': 17 Syllables)
"How come you're so good at DIY?" I ask my wife.
"Because it turns out I'm married to a complete tool," 
she sighs...
Kim Kardashian filing for divorce? Makes a change 
from filing her nails, I guess. Both pretty high
maintenance, that's for sure - but at least there's 
only one Kanye...

Saturday, February 20, 2021

parking meters & social distancing...


when parking our cars
now, should we be parking them
two <--------> meters apart?...


(17 Syllables)
"You flying off anywhere this year?" - "Yeah - the
handle, probably, the way things are going"...
TICKET TO RYDE - that's our summer sorted!...

Friday, February 19, 2021

giving my wife the brush-off - not!...


aria that helped me sweep
my wife off her feet!...🎝


(17 Syllables)
My son's playing in the snow with no shoes on! (I
was going to join him, but got cold feet)
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, February 19)
"I don't like those girls in Little Mix," I told my mate.
"Pull the other one," he replied.
"What, the one who left? I tried to, but she said no".
ANIMAL FARMACY - supplier of medicines 
to Napoleon and Squealer...

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Thanks a bunch, Covid!...


What am I giving
up for Lent? Nothing! What the
hell's left to give up?...


"Put your hands together, ladies & 
gentlemen, and give it up for Lent!"

(17 Syllables)
Faggots & peas...
Talking of faggots (news item), my grandad still has some
faggots and pees every night before going to bed...
Never mind OAP DJs ('slipped disc' jockeys?), how about
our OAP pop stars? Ladies & gentlemen, give it up for 
Gerry Atric & The Rocking Chairs! (Check out their 'bad 
back' catalogue!)
COTONEASTER EGG - nope, still prefer chocolate!...

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Covid: that sinking feeling...


When people say 'the
R is going down', I hope they
don't mean 'with the ship'!...


(17 Syllables)
He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone
- in bronze, and then place it on the nearest beach.
See if it gets any better reviews than Sir Antony
Gormley's Aldeburgh effort...
I, too, do weird and potentially dangerous things 
in my sleep. My wife jokes that there should be a 
somnabulance on permanent standby...
With 167 new toilets installed in them, it looks
like Andrew Lloyd Webber's theatres are going to
be more, er, 'lav'ish than ever... (good news for
ladies: no more need to loos...the will to live!)

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Idarucizumab, anyone?...


Wonder drugs: the more pronounced 
the effect, the more unpronouncable 
the name?...


Moral: never trust 
drug that rolls off the tongue 
- and onto the floor...
(Corollary of 17 Rather Sillybles)
GIGANTICK - gives a very nasty bite...
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, February 16)
What's my response to KitKat bringing out a vegan
version? Let's just say it involves two fingers!...
A 'tell-all' TV special? Seems the Meghan & Harry
Show is about to become even more of a soap 
Oprah, if that were possible...
If Prince Harry really loves the army and privacy
so much, why doesn't he re-enlist? As a private, 
of course. A very, very private...


Monday, February 15, 2021

I name this ship...


Champagne isn't drunk 
out of a schooner, but can
be used to launch one... 🍾


('We'll drink from the glass of the glass of the glass-bottomed boat': 17 Syllables)
Meghan & Harry aren't alone in having another 
baby - Mr & Mrs Jones from No 42 are having 
one, too. Just sayin'...
We may have gone decimal 50 years ago to the 
day, but some things never change. It's still
only a penny for your thoughts...
Teaching unions pour cold water on March 8
return to school - and then almost certainly put
it on expenses. It's what they do...

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Canapés, darling?...


Forget finger food,
what my girlfriend craves is ring 
finger food. Carats!...


Valentine's Day: love 
is in the air. And so is
Covid, so take care...


(17 Syllables x 2)
It's true, the key to a lasting relationship is arguing. Or, 
if you can't argue, agreeing violently about everything!...
"If music be the food of love," sighed my girlfriend, "you'd
better take this Chopin Liszt. We need a decent Valentine
Day's dinner this year" 🎝...
If music be the food of love, darling, how do you fancy 
some Meat Loaf & Red Hot Chili Peppers this year? With
Hot Chocolate to follow 🎝...
FRIGID HEIR - no, not the fridge, but the man whose 
coldness led Diana to eventually divorcing him...

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Valentine's Day: say it with flowers...


What should I give my
Buddhist girlfriend? A bunch of


(17 Syllables)
PEN & INKOME - money earned from my sketches...

Friday, February 12, 2021

Strike a light!...


Bryant meeting May was a match made in
heaven. Probably the last one, because after
that they were all made in their factories...

All my wife and I ever row about is our over-reliance 
on the bloody microwave. And yes, the arguments do 
get heated - but in only 3 minutes!...

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Do stupid apple jokes have nasty ciderfects?...


"How's cider made?" I 
asked the apples. Then I pressed
them for an answer...


(17 Syllables)
Is this what's meant by alternative comedy? (Well,
alternative to apples): "Wow, how did you get such a 
smart crease?" I asked my friend's trousers - then I 
asked him to press them for an answer...
Lord Brittan scandal: chairman of UK Music should
FACE the music. The pressure is growing for Tom to 
lose his job - not quite the same as calling for his 
orchastration [sic], but feelings sure are running high.
Peace & Love (or should that be 'Hairpiece & Love')?
Why isn't Ringoing grey? I'm dyeing to know...

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

it looked so inviting - not!...


my son wanted to 
play in the snow without shoes -
but he got cold feet...


(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, February 19: 17 Syllables)
We're now being asked to call breastfeeding 'chest'feeding.
That's just NUTS! And when I say 'nuts', do I mean
chestnuts or breastnuts? The world's gone mad!...

Tuesday, February 9, 2021


Not only is my father now choosing to identify 
as a woman, he has also chosen to identify as a 
theoretical physisist. (He just hasn't learned how
to spell it yet.) It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world...

JAB SEEKERS' ALLOWANCE - no need; the vaccine's free...
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, February 9)
Can you guess why Viagra prescriptions have doubled in a
decade? It's not hard...
Demand for Viagra has doubled in a decade. "Wow, it's
grown enormously!" (Say all its satisfied customers)

Monday, February 8, 2021

at least that would qualify me...


I'd give my right arm
to take part in some single-
handed yacht races...


('Better make it the left arm, on reflection': 17 Syllables)
A Versace mug for £765? Takes one to buy
one, I guess...
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, February 8)
All my great-grandad needed to get to work
was a penny-farthing. The same journey 
today would cost about £5:50. That's inflation
for you!...
Ten years to sew a replica of the Bayeux Tapestry?
That's longer than it took me to sew my wild oats!...

Sunday, February 7, 2021

but at least they match his briefs!...


My lawyer's a keep- 
fit nut. He doesn't file law-
suits - he files tracksuits!...


(17 Rather Sillybles)
It's my wedding, and I'm having a bawl! (Not all
love stories end happily - some end in marriage)
Late bloomers...
Rosie's are red,
Violet's are blue,
Not sure what colour Daisy's are,
(But her waist's 42.)

Saturday, February 6, 2021


All over-50s in the UK to be offered vaccine by 
May? That's very generous of her, but it's not 
her decision any more - Johnson's the PM now...


As for Beverley Turner's reasons for 
refusing to join in the applause for 
Captain Tom - sorry, but I've never 
heard so much 'not wanting to clap'trap...


Poor old India. Bowling against the England
captain right now must be as enjoyable as 
Root canal treatment...


Friday, February 5, 2021



Birthday cakes - wedding
cakes - cupcakes - sausage rolls - bread
rolls - meat pies - pizzas...


In the beginning
was the Word. Then came some flour
and a dozen eggs...


(The only 17-syllable bakery in the Gambia!...)
My scales were telling me I'd been putting on a 
couple of pounds a week during lockdown, so I 
knew I had to do something about it.
I got rid of the scales.
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, February 4)

Thursday, February 4, 2021

my brain hurts...


You mustn't believe
all you hear - lies spread faster
than truth. "So I hear"...


(17 Syllables)
Hope Nelson's not the jealous type. He only got
the one column - goodness knows how many have 
been devoted to Captain Tom!...

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

I name this ship...


There's no such thing as
a free launch. Those bottles of
champagne don't come cheap...🍾


(17 Syllables)

high enough?...?


"Take me to new heights!"
screamed my wife. So I let her 
sleep in the top bunk...


(17 Syllables)
Needle & thread...
The decline & fall of a matinee idol: sad to read
about George Clooney reduced to having to sew
his wild oats these days...
So spinach is now sending out emails? Makes a
change from spam, I suppose...
My wife & I are foregoing a foreign holiday this
year. We'll be having a T-bone steakation once a 
week at the Quiet Night Inn instead. Cushty!...

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

The meat market...


PULLED PORK: Miss Piggy,
when she gets picked up by some
lad in a nightclub...


(17 Syllables)
MYAN-MAR-A-LAGO - resort of choice for coup 
Now those years of sowing his wild oats are over, 
it seems the ever-resourceful George Clooney has
resorted to sewing them instead. More power to 
his elbow...
It's #Februdairy, so my wife has promised to show
me a bit more of the milk of human kindness for a
while. I give it a week...

Monday, February 1, 2021

New rose named after Captain Tom...


"Arise, Sir Tom," said
the Queen. And The Captain Tom
Rose. Bloomin' awesome!...


(17 Syllables)
WAITING FOR GADOT - how long till the next Wonder
Woman movie?...
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, March 9)
SUN & AIR - environmentalist's only child...
Ursula Von Der Woman's super powers seem to be
waning. If, indeed, she ever had any...
Stanley Johnson's new environmental job could well
see him clash with his son. Which is great, as they'll
be forced to speak to each other to clear the air. Of'
noxious gases, hopefully...