Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Covid: that sinking feeling...


When people say 'the
R is going down', I hope they
don't mean 'with the ship'!...


(17 Syllables)
He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone
- in bronze, and then place it on the nearest beach.
See if it gets any better reviews than Sir Antony
Gormley's Aldeburgh effort...
I, too, do weird and potentially dangerous things 
in my sleep. My wife jokes that there should be a 
somnabulance on permanent standby...
With 167 new toilets installed in them, it looks
like Andrew Lloyd Webber's theatres are going to
be more, er, 'lav'ish than ever... (good news for
ladies: no more need to loos...the will to live!)

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