Wednesday, July 21, 2021

How do you sleep at night?...


lying on my bed is
so much more comfortable than
lying on my CV...


(17 Syllables)
"I'm writing this not as the fun-loving guy I used
to be, but as the bore I've now become," is what
Prince Harry probably meant to say...
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, July 23) 
The sub-editors are a bunch of total incompetents. Just sayin'...
Looks like this virus thing's going to run as long as...
CORONA-NATION STREET - (there's no better 
soap to wash your hands in than a long-running one, haha)
MISPRINTS HARRY - how he'd be known if his
memoir's first handwritten efforts were published 
verbatim. Not the sharpest tool in the box..
Seeing as Wee Jimmy Krankie is just a minute 
comedienne, why isn't she the new Just A Minute host?...

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