Sunday, October 31, 2021

Sex on the Settee...


There's nothing like a
bit of nookie. Well, except
for a lot of it...


(17 Syllables)
Running a car on cooking oil can't be nearly as much
fun as putting vermouth into an Aston Martini...
(Vincent Hefter, Mail on Sunday, October 31)
Innocent, or covered in gilt? According to some, due to his 
links with Qatar, David Beckham might no longer be 
'Goldenballs', but 'Covered in Gilt'enballs...
What's with all this 'gender pronoun' business? Do Leeds
University students have a hidden agenda? Or are they
accusing University staff of having hidden a gender? If so,
where? And why? There's something amiss. Or amister.
Who knows, these days? It's a Mr-y, all right. Or do I mean 
Now Vogue editor Anna Wintour has 'gone woke', will she
no longer use colour photographs and publish only photos
of colour?...
Yes, communion wine may be more expensive now, thanks 
to Rishi's budget - but at least the planned increase on the 
holy spirit is cancelled. Praise the Lord!...

Saturday, October 30, 2021

(De)athletics joke...


John ran the sprint in
10 seconds. Dead. So won the
Gold posthumously...


(17 Syllables)

Friday, October 29, 2021


getting on with girls
is one thing, getting off with
them quite another...


(17 Syllables)
Ed Sheeran's latest album is = (Equals).
Opinion is (divided).
+, x, ÷. =: Ed Sheeran - guitarist or percussionist?
He's one heck of a symbols player!...
Le Showdown: Liz Truss is furious after British
boat is seized. So much for Frenchship! (Seize
British ship, end friendship, haha...)
"Oops, where am I?" asks Rishi Sunak. Let's hope the
people of Burnley are quick to bury the hatchet! (Or,
as Rishi would probably put it, 'let's hope the people
of Bury are quick to Burnley the hatchet)

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Sir Christopher...


St Paul's: a vastly
superior nest to those
built by other wrens...


(17 Syllables)
Did the earth move? No, but it did heat up a bit: I'm
pretty sure most COP26 delegates will get on with each 
other, but I doubt there'll be much COPulation...
Still wine. Still expensive. Thanks a bunch, Rishi...
Is it wrong to call a teetotal Chancellor pint-sized?
PROSECCUTED - sorry, too much sparkling white, m'lud.
Should never have got in the car...

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

My (not so fine)ancial advisor...


He's a stockbroker,
all right: every time he moves
my stock, I'm broker...


(17 Syllables)
"The £15m jewels of our literary crown must never
leave our George Bernard Shaws!" writes Prince Charles.
'Leave our GB shores', I think he means - even though
George Bernard was Irish, haha...
We might be forced to have Polish turkeys this Christmas,
apparently. Are Polish turkeys easier to polish off?...

Tuesday, October 26, 2021



"I like Kew" - "I like Kew, too" - romance 
blossoms in the LGBT-Q Gardens café...

STOLLEN GOODS - cake, that's all the thieves got away with...
(Vincent Hefter, daily Mail, October 26)
Haven't Tory MPs heard of leading by example? If wearing a 
mask is common sense, why can't it be Commons sense, too? 
Barely a mask in sight on one side of the House. Have 
we ever had such an inept bunch of elected representatives?
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, October 28)
What would COP26 be like without presidents Putin and Xi 
Jinping? NOT much cop, I fear...

Monday, October 25, 2021

Prices that get on one's (scented) wick...

At a mighty £65 each, Holly Willoughby's candles
include notes of tomato leaf, geranium, sandalwood,
mint and rose. I doubt, however, that these are Ms 
Willoughby's favourite notes. Hers, I suspect, are 
the £20, £10 and £5 ones that the purchase of each 
candle enables her to savour...
Seems 'Rolex Rippers' continue to get away with it under
Home Secretary Priti Patel's watch (I wonder if that's a
Rolex, too? Let's hope not, for her sake)
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, October 27)
Romantic Croatian getaway: Matt Hancock in Split with 
lover at weekend after split from wife in June. Most confusing.

Sunday, October 24, 2021


Always write on rice
paper - makes eating your words
so much easier...


(17 Syllables)
Yippee, the space bar's open! Mine's a                pint. Cheers!
Maybe Liz Jones would have more luck with the opposite sex
if she sought a 'Mr Right', as opposed to a 'Mr Write About'?...
If a 'pa de deux' is a father of two, what's ballerina Melanie
Hamrick doing stepping out with Mick Jagger, a father of eight?
The main challenge on Channel 4's 'Handmade: Britain's Best
Woodworker' was to make a bed in two days. Bugger, I could
have won that: I can make a bed in a couple of minutes - three
minutes, tops!...
David Gandy Wellwear: how about a Mahatma Gandy loincloth,
David? In honour of a true icon...
Tangible benefits of Brexit? None that I can see. 'Fake tan'gible
benefits? Who cares, because they'll soon fade, anyway. Has a
democratic nation ever self-harmed to such an extent before?
(Apart from the US voting for Trump, of course.) Madness...

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Prince Charles's fuel of choice...


Cheese and wine? Wouldn't
vermouth be better for an
Aston Martini?...


(17 Syllables)
If Tilly is a bit chubby, it's only because Gordon
Ramsay's her 'fat'her...
VACCINEMAS - get the jab, see the film! Half-price...
Kids' eating habits: fnives and korks may well be off the table for
children these days - but at least they've still got spoonerisms!...
TRUTH SOCIAL: a sight for sore eyes or a site for sore 
losers? (all depends if you're a Trump supporter, I guess)

Friday, October 22, 2021


"I hate ewe!" said mum,
"I hate ewe!" said dad,
"I hate ewe!" said grandpa,
"I hate ewe!" said gran,
"I hate ewe!" said sis...

I guess I'm the black sheep of the family...

Most of my photo albums are Morocco-bound. Now they've banned 
all flights to and from the UK, it'll be a while till I am, sadly...
RONALD 0 - MESS 1: the final for the title of "World's 
Greatest Footballer" was a close-run affair!...

Thursday, October 21, 2021

HOW much!...


"I'm never staying at
that damned Bee & Bee again!"
"Why not?" - "I got stung"...


(17 Syllables)
£100 contactless limit: avoid the mixer tap-and-go 
lottery - pay your plumber cash!...
Seeing as my bank's getting greener and greener, how
come I still find myself going into the same shade of red?...
"When we invest in each other we change the world": if 
there's anything more depressing than my latest bank 
statement, it's Harry & Meghan's recent sanctimonious one.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

To have and to hold...


A spouse is someone
who makes you happy, angry,
sad, coffee and tea...


(17 Syllables)
If William Hague had put a cap on energy bills, 
it would probably have been a baseball one...
Every Tom, Dick and Harry seems to be called
Oliver, George or Arthur these days...
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, October 21)
(Top Ten names, 2021)
Filter tips for the smoking hot: if you're smoking hot,
you don't need filters. That's my tip. Instagrammers,
please note!...

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Male, female, transgender, non-binary...


My wife and I have
got four kids. That's one of each, 
I suppose, these days...


We're trying for a dog next...

(17 Syllables)
Drinking white wine with fish isn't as 
much fun as drinking it with friends...
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, October 19)
VIRGIN - a nookie rookie...
AB-ORIGINAL SIN - racism, down under...
Newcastle 2 - Tottenham 3. 'Brand New'castle? Not
against Tottenham, they weren't...
As if house prices going through the roof wasn't bad
enough, try finding a roofer to fix it! No chance!...

Monday, October 18, 2021

20-1 the field...

Bloody hell, they're betting on where 
we're going to make love next! It's:

2-1 the bed,
13-2 the lounge,
8-1 the car,
12 -1 the bathroom,
20-1 the field!...

(Though they don't say WHICH field, haha...)
The late, great Sammy Davis Jr. used to call himself "a
colored, one-eyed Jew". Almost certainly would have 
been cast as the new James Bond had he been alive in 
today's woke world. Shame he wasn't gay - that would
have clinched it...
Isn't that what global warming's all about?

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Celebrity stock cubes...


KNORRman Wisdoms (8
cubes, 85 grams): make food
taste really funny!...


(17 Syllables)
CRISTIAN O - RONALD O - not another no-score draw!
What! Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation's getting a
new wanker? - "A NEW ANCHOR, I said! But hey -
on second thoughts"...
Can't be much fun being a 'sensitivity reader'. Righting 
wrongs isn't nearly as much fun as writing 'em!...
COP26 is aptly named - when it comes to climate 
change, we're not much COP...
If I were Sue Barker, I'd have taken the 'ageist' BBC to
court. High court, grass court, clay court - even at 65,
she'd still have beaten them!...
(Vincent Hefter, Mail on Sunday, October 24)
-----  if Barker can sue the BBC, can the BBC sue Barker?  -----

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Pneus travels fast...


I caught pneumonia
on my hols - "Where d'you go?" - pneu
York and pneu Zealand...


(17 Syllables)
I see my local rag's given Adele's new record a 4**** review.
Knowing Adele's love of expletives, that probably means it's
f****ing good!...
Channel 4's My First Threesome reminded me of my own 
first time, when I persuaded two girlfriends to give it a bash. 
They didn't really want to at first, to be honest. Should have 
been called My First Force 'em...

Friday, October 15, 2021

The wife's staid at home...


Sex tourism: home
is where the heart is, 'abroad'
is where the tart is...


(17 Syllables)
William Shatner said he was over the moon. 
Bollocks! They never flew anywhere near it!

Thursday, October 14, 2021



What's the difference between looking someone
up, and looking up someone?... 

"4 years' probation?"

Is Wayne Rooney still buy-sexual, or is he no longer willing
to pay for it? It's just that Coleen wants to know...
FLÈCHE WOUND - an arrow to the heart...
How many billionaire miles has Jeff Bezos racked up now?
Seems Susie Dent's addicted to words. No wonder they call
it Addictionary Corner...
Succumbing to Covid, a famous abstract artist drew his last
breath. It later fetched a million at auction...
EARRING AIDS - you deafinitely look better with them on!

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

"He is now!"...

Is that man on the
rack an extended member
of your family?...

If the invisible man applied concealer, would we be able 
to see him?... (Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, October 23)
Seeing as the new Superman is now embarking on a same
-sex relationship,  how soon before DC Comics changes 
its name to AC/DC Comics?...
(Vincent Hefter, Mail on Sunday, October 17)
Harry & Meghan: from 'happy bonkers' to 'hippy bankers',
it seems there's no stopping them...
Who needs an MPs' report? We already know what the
Grim Reapercussions of the Government's incompetence 
have been: 140k deaths, and counting. Frontbenches, my
arse - park benches, that's where those concerned belong...
I'm quite fond of Edwina these days - I prefer my Curries 
not too hot... Anyone seen my copy of the Korma Sutra?


Tuesday, October 12, 2021

A jumpers, a sweater and a pullover...


Can long jumpers be
big sweaters? They can if they're
in a pullover!...


I once managed 7.62m in a chunky knit. Perspiration city!

(17 Syllables)
SUGAR KANE - sweetener offered to Harry to stay at 
Spurs?... (Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, October 12)
RIN TIN TINNED DOG FOOD - tastes a bit like 
German Shepherd's pie, apparently...
All my photo albums are Morocco-bound. 
Not me, I'm staying at home this year...

Monday, October 11, 2021

And I'm still confused...


It may be sparkling,
but it's still water. Well, it's
one or the other...


(17 Syllables)
eBAY OF PIGS: why not, if they're going to be culled, 
anyway? Offer 'em up for sale!...
Turns out the election of Dehenna Davison was a bi-election. 
Who knew! (MP reveals her sexuality)
Seeing as the 'Birdsong' author will no longer describe women,
should Cockney ornithologists no longer describe birds?...
So Insulate Britain wants more 'working class' individuals 
to represent them on TV? What good will that do, replacing 
horrible people with 'orrible ones?...

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Even the family tree's now a bonsai!...


Charles in downsizing
shock - could the House of Windsor
become a semi?...


(17 Syllables)
Prince Andrew may well be a rotten apple, but King
Edwards are bloody good potatoes!...
OLD KING COAL - New King Solar? Not such a merry
old soul now, are we?...
Queue-jumping millennials? I think it's more a case of 
"high I queue, low I don't queue". Intelligence and
civility, they go together...
My God, we're so precious these days - about EVERYTHING!
As a married friend once confided: "I may have a gorgeous 
precious stone on my finger, but when I go to a party I've got 
a far less gorgeous and way too precious sixteen stone on my
ARM!". Adversity's a part of life, people. Always was, always
will be. Deal with it!...

Saturday, October 9, 2021


              COVID 19 - BRITAIN 16

The game's not over, and we're catching up!


(Positive thinking, people!)
Photos of a topless Putin were bad enough, but photos 
of him with a bear behind? Enough, already!...
Whoever thought 'three fat ladies' (888) would be the
most appropriate number for a 'lone women' helpline
needs their head examining...
'A Year in Normandie': The Big Frieze of 2021 is nature -
and David Hockney - at its best. Way more enjoyable than
the winter of 2009-10 - and, at 298ft, almost as long!...
From 'Gorillas in the Mist' to a gorilla who'll be missed: 
they give us so much pleasure, we cause them so much 
pain. RIP, Ndakasi...

Friday, October 8, 2021

Getting to know the British Aisles...


Does a trip to the
'World Foods' aisle at Asda count 
as travel these days?...


(17 Syllables)
Wow, £30 an hour to pick broccoli? How much to pick a 
fresh PM? (I'd to it for free, to be honest)
Boris wants to go on Bake Off, apparently - and Carrie says 
he's been practising. (She's got a bun in the oven to prove it!)
(Version of this won £20 book token in Daily Mail Caption 
comp. 'Bout F***ing time) 
He may be only 5'7", but to call Vladimir Putin a "smaller
than average dick"tator seems a bit harsh. No wonder he's 
got an insecurity complex...
'Brooklyn' (kiss my butty) Beckham: 'King of the Butty', my 
arse! Shame he wasn't conceived in 'Pity Me' (Co. Durham).
Would have made for a far more appropriate Christian name.
Gary Barlow's new red wine is described as finishing on a
bright note of fresh cranberries. Knowing Mr Barlow, there's
precious little danger of that being the wrong note!...
(Gary Barlow Organic? Is that 'Hammond Organ'ic or 'Yamaha Organ'ic, haha...)

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Shame, really. They were slim and genial once...


My drinking buddies
are stout and bitter men. Me,
I prefer whisky...


(17 Syllables)
French ships set to strain our Frenchship: do you
pass the port to the left or to the right at Xmas?
Well, if the port's Calais, you won't be able to pass
it at all. it'll be blocked!...
Mine's a pint, thanks! William Shatner's flight will
only last around ten minutes, so unfortunately he 
won't be able to take advantage of the space bar.
Unlike                               me! Cheers!...

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Who'd be a comic?...


If you think reading
a room is tough, you should try
reading it aloud!...


(17 Syllables)
Unlike Watercress, which thrives in cool, damp soil, the far
more hardy Watercressida often finds itself in hot water...
OAP springs eternal! If Shatner can bomb off into space at
90, there's hope for the rest of us old fogies!...
Savile row: people are angry that the police sergeant who
dressed as the obnoxious DJ is to keep his job. That's more
of a JIMMY Savile row than a Savile row, I'd say. Savile
Row involves suits. He wore a tracksuit... (Too soon?)
Man walks into a bar. He has no idea it's a space               bar.
So he walks out again... (God knows why. I love 'em. So much room!)
Why should wearing a little cross make anyone a little cross? What
a sad world we live in...(news story today)

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

A 3-line uni verse...


Oxford? It's full of
uni cyclists, mate. Students
riding to lectures...


(17 Syllables)
If Golden Retrievers can fetch up to £2,000, how
come mine have only ever fetched sticks? "Looks
like you've been sold a pup, mate"...
TRUCKULENT - angry lorry driver...
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, October 5)
The fuel crisis: At last! It looks like the military
are finally responding to Boris's ESSO S... 
(other service stations are available)
Check the label! A potato in its jacket is hardly
haute cuisine. But if it's a designer jacket, it
could be haute couture...
(Better make sure the salad's well-dressed!)

Monday, October 4, 2021

Who knows - but if they're late, they're probably axed, right?...

What do lumberjacks
do when they turn up to work?
Clock in - or log on?...


Who knows? But if they're late, they're probably axed, right?...

(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, October 27, 17 Syllables)
COLOSTOMY BAGPUSS - sadly, some programmes
seem to be ageing better than others. (Brilliant TV for
those in their second childhood, mind)
Liverpool 2 - Man City 2: what a goal! Watching Mo 
in full flow is enough to make anyone Salahvate!...
Harry & Meghan, Inc.: three years married, and Harry
and Meghan are still courting. Which would be rather
touching - if what they were courting wasn't publicity...
SEWING ONE'S WILD OATS - saves having to go out!
Butter at £100 a dish? I'll spread the word! (But not the
butter - not at that price)

Sunday, October 3, 2021

In lieu of veg...


When vegans take a 
pea or a leek, what on earth 
should carnivores take?...


(Couldn't tell you, lav: 17 Syllables)
Liz Jones's Diary: seems to me it's not 'Mr Right'
Liz is looking for, it's 'Mr Write-About'...
Talk about 'camp'! How clever of Daniel 'James Bond' 
Craig to jacket in while still in the pink...
Maybe Gareth Southgate can select two teams in future:
a national team...and an ANTI-VAXXINATIONal team?...
My son has half a mind to be a footballer. That's more 
than enough these days, apparently (judging by the
number of anti-vaxxers in the Premiership)
'He's a weak man,' writes Dan Hodges of Keir Starmer.
As opposed to our notoriously libidinous PM, who's
probably a THRICE-a-week man?...
Tory Party Conference: Any truth in the rumour Boris 
Johnson has come up with his own slogan this week:
'Getting On With The Job, Getting OFF With The Staff'? 
Or am I thinking of Matt Hancock?...
Vegans wear beanies - except when jogging, 
of course. Then they wear runner beanies...
"Bras? Burnham!" says Andy. Ever the feminist...

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Just how fat IS the fat lady?...


It isn't over 
till the Elephantom of
the Opera sings...


(17 Syllables)
It was all about 'reading aloud' on the radio the other
day. When I was young my parents were always trying
to get me to read books aloud, but, to be honest, I much
preferred to read books that WEREN'T allowed!...
(Fanny Hill / Lady Chatterley's Lover, etc...)
Anagram of the Day: GIN TEA - EATING disorder (not
to mention an alcoholic's breakfast of choice, haha...)
"Why do some trees lose their leaves, daddy?" - "It's an
autumnatic reaction to the colder weather, son, now eat
your breakfast"...
At last! Bakers have used their loaf to come up with a 
means of doing away with all that unnecessary wrapping.
They're introducing the PLASTIC BAGuette. Tastes like
sh*t, of course, but hey, the packaging's built in!...
PLASTIC BAGUETTE - lacking taste, but easy to carry!

Friday, October 1, 2021

Rampant rabbit: Run, rabbit, run, rabbit, run, run, run...

Battery Guide...
AA       wall clocks, cordless phones, smaller flashlights,
AAA    small toys, digital cameras, calculators,
9-v       smoke alarms,
YYY    Delilah (most weekends, apparently)

If an M15 officer has a career in intelligence, 
what's an M25 officer? A traffic cop?...
(Is a Roads Scholar any less bright than a Highways one?)
HAIRYRICK - Baldrick in his youth...
Donnez-moi un smacker: The Language of  Love? 
French kissing, mate. Sure beats Esperanto...
What a mauling from the food critics! Talk about
making top restaurateur Daniel eat Humm-ble pie! 
(which would probably also cost £240 in his eatery)
Will we ever find out if it's safe to alter our food crops'
DNA? Or has everyone involved signed an NDA?...
When an EMPTY TANKerous driver becomes a PETROL 
CANtankerous driver, you know there's a fuel crisis!...