Tom's trapped a nerve, you
say? Wow, he's never shown that
sort of skill before...
(17 Syllables)
London, Prague, Monaco, France? Wow, Shirley
Bassey's cut an album in four places! Less painful
than breaking a leg in three, I guess...
You can keep all your fancy butters - nothing
beats my darling wife's middle-age spread...
I'd like to give all makers of 'artisan' butter a pat
on the back. And then I'd give them some baking
soda to wipe it off with...
Do heavy smokers become even heavier when
they stop?..(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, August 7)
Who doesn't like a 3-liner? (Quite a few of you don't, apparently.) Well, I'll have you know that many a critic has said of my work "at least it's in English" - and as for the great Stephen Fry, he once said of me "Vincent who?" Let's just say I supply the litter to the litterati [sic - but only at times] - ie: I write rubbish. But rubbish mostly inspired by the HAIKU, the 17th Century Japanese verse form consisting of 3 lines and 17 (5-7-5) syllables. (WARNING: flash photography and limericks)
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