Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Bob Ross...


The Joy of Painting:
who knew watching paint dry could
be quite so gripping?...


(17 Syllables)
M 25: if officials take out an in-'junction 23' against 
'Insulate Britain', does that apply to other junctions, too?
When Jennifer Arcuri, the 'one-woman triple espresso',
spills the beans, you can be pretty sure they're Arabica 
- only the best, naturally...
Yes, it's possible to be 'fat but fit'. But it's not possible
to be 'fat but fit into your trousers'. Just ask my tailor!
Prince Andrew's stonewalling didn't impress the New
York judge. Maybe it should have done - Andrew is
famously teetotal, so it was dry stonewalling, and that's
always impressive...'
Justin Trudoh! Another blackface photo? Looks like 
French Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudwater is 
indeed in hot eau again!...

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