Monday, November 22, 2021

Not sure that's actually legal!...


Sown your wild oats with
too much abandon? You could
end up doing porridge!...


(17 Syllables)
Don a mask or doner kebab? "No contest!" says Boris
(but don't tell Carrie)
If Spotify hadn't removed the shuffle button from
Adele's album, would they have been out of order?...
(Is it out of order to use the shuffle button when listening to albums?)
'Snowman' axed by BBC following meltdown...
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, November 22)
Maybe Boris is confusing masks with prophylactics? The
soon-to-be father of seven really does seem to be averse
to putting them on...
(Put on your mask for a few minutes, or put off the electorate for keeps)

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