Thursday, December 3, 2020

Theatres, cinemas, pubs, clubs: all closed...





          AIN'T LIFE GRAND!...

A steak that's had its chips...
If a RUMP steak's thick, is a TRUMP steak even thicker?
Yes, but not quite as thick as the man himself...
If a Scotch egg's a 'substantial meal', then I'll eat my hat!
(It's a pork pie one, so it probably tastes better, anyway)
Christmas is coming! Am I allowed to be beside myself
with Joy yet? Or do all three of us still have to social
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, December 16)
"We should all be raindrops," says Prince Harry. Well, the
royal family's sure doing their bit: what a shower!...
Charging for bags that don't fit under the seat? Well, at 
least it's up to me now: eliminate MY overheads or help 
EasyJet pay for theirs...

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