Thursday, December 31, 2020

Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine approved...


The end is in sight!
Thank the Lord! (I had thought, for 
a while, it was NIGH...)



(17 Syllables)
Is a brouhaha a kerfuffle by any other name?...

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Pax vobiscum - and pax a punch!...


"How on earth does a
pacifist fight, daddy?" - "With
his paci-fists, son"...


(17 Syllables)
I reckon Covid-19 should be recognised in the New
Year's honours list - for services to OBEsity! Comfort
food will be the death of me...
That's quite a figure Michelle Keegan's got. No wonder
her husband's smitten - a case of 'abs make the heart
grow fonder'?...
Makers Hasbro have just unveiled their 'Longest Game 
Ever' edition of Monopoly. Oh, dear. I dread my wife 
and I being forced to play it next Christmas - I can just 
see it now: one stiff board, two bored stiff!...
Another bloody survey...
Not only does wearing more formal attire at the table
make you eat more healthily, smartening up your food 
helps, too: the potatoes should always be in their 
jackets, and who doesn't like a well-dressed salad?...

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

fishing in (pork chop)py waters...


If a trawlerman
brings home the bacon, you know
there weren't any fish...


(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, January 20, 17 Syllables)
A stiff upper lip and gritted teeth, that's what's
needed - though rumour has it the Covid cash
crisis may leave half our roads and quite a few
teeth ungritted. Bugger! But nothing that can't 
be overcome, I say...
People who sigh a lot get less depressed, 
apparently. I always knew it: sighs matter!...
Will bookshops now do away with gift vouchers 
for fear it might be seen as 'book token'ism?...
Looks like getting vaccinated in the village hall
is going to be the 2021 equivalent of popping
down to the Jabcentre...

Monday, December 28, 2020

Our Father which ART in heaven (3)...

As an abstract artist, I draw the line when
it comes to nudity - followed by the square,
the oval, and a couple of circles...
Pencil, pensilly...
I'm a minimalist artist, but I draw the line at
nudity. Just the one, naturally...
"If an abstract artist draws the line at nudity,
would he be able to sell it?" - "Depends how 
well he draws it, I suppose"...
Sir Nigel of Brexit? I'm already having knightmares!...

Sunday, December 27, 2020

I've told you over...and Dover...and Dover again!...


There is no jam in 
a yule log, so stop talking
of a yule logjam!...


(17 Syllables)
"Call that 'turkey and all the trimmings'?"
I'm such a bad cook these days, my 
signature dishes are almost illegible...
SIRCULAR TABLE - Round Table of the Knights...
One thing's for sure: Boris's '2,000 pages of glad 
tidings of joy' is undoubtedly a great deal - of 
paper, if nothing else!...
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, December 29)
Floods AND tiers! Not surprising some of us are in 
floods of tiers. 2021 can't come quick enough!...

Saturday, December 26, 2020

We stuffed the turkey - and then ourselves!...


GYM'LL FIX IT - don't
worry if you ate and drank
too much this Christmas!...


(too soon?)

(17 Syllables)
How embarrassing is it when two people give 
you an identical present? My gran gave me a cheque 
for £50, and so did my uncle. I had to tell him I had 
one already, but he was great about it and said I 
could change it if I wanted to - so he gave me one 
for £40 instead...
My dad was a very practical man. When he won
an England cap, it went straight to his head...
50% of Americans now see Trump as a failed
Preisdent. The other 50% spelled it correctly...

Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas Day...


Does 'a genius
born in a stable' Trump 'a
stable genius'?...


(A 17-Syllable no-brainer)
What do you call a nepotistic Presidential pardon?
A grandpardon? Isn't that what Charles Kushner
is to his grandkids?...

Thursday, December 24, 2020


"Why to Mary?"..."Why in a stable?"
..."Why now?" - 'The Three Why's?
Men' were indeed very, very curious...

Methinks Boris is piloting our Ship of State
from the nincompoop deck...
Why do trawlermen go to sea to bring home 
the bacon when there's a perfectly good 
butcher's just round the corner?...
J-Lo's super flares...
£2,550 for a pair of denim jeans? That's £1,275
a leg! More than our football club trousered for
a two-legged cup tie!...

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Over - and over - and over again...


"I'm off to Southampton Airport to take 
my Cessna up for a quick spin" - "Where 
are you flying?" - "Over Andover and 
over again. Round trip, shouldn't take long"...

With the country in a fix...
It's not Boris's 
we want to hear about - it's his 
Brexit? Don't get your hopes up - that light 
at the end of the tunnel's no more than the 
Customs & Excise office working overtime...

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue...


"Know any other
towns near Andover, darling?" -
"Havant a clue, luv"...


(17 Syllables)
Home alone at Christmas...
How can my family's PRESENTS possibly make up 
for their ABSENCE?...
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, December 23)
"Feliz Navidaddy" - "And the same to you, son"...
We won't let Brexit spoil our Christmas this year
- we'll still be having turkey with all the trimmings. 
Though we might pass on the Brussels...
Sam Allardyce? 'The man for a jam'? More of a 
Marmite manager, I'd say...
like a REALLY big bang!...

Monday, December 21, 2020


...ders if Biden won the election.

"Er, yes, he did. sir. Now f*ck off out of here"...
Some people say President Trump's losing his mind, but he 
himself continues to deny it. Swears he's winning it - 
CHRIS WHITTYCISM - CMO of England cracks another joke...
Times are so tough these days, if the House of Lancaster 
still existed, it would probably be a semi...
Is Rod Stewart the only millionaire who's not only worth a
pretty Penny, but is married to one, too?...
If anyone else says they're miserable this Christmas, I'll 
bloody well give them a punch. Generous glass, finest rum,
all the trimmings! That should cheer them up...

Sunday, December 20, 2020


"You'll go down in history, son," promised
my dad, which scared me a bit. "How far 
down, dad?" I asked. (It's not heights I'm
scared of, it's depths)

How are Trumpians going to celebrate Christmas
this year? With some "This Election was Stollen"
cake? Or a slice of humble pie? I think we both
know the answer to that...
My son hates learning to swim in swimming 
pools. It's not heights he's scared of, it's widths...
My Christmas tree's very special - it's got a KCB,
DSO and CBE!" - "Wow, I've never seen such a
well decorated tree!"...

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Christmas jumper joke...


"Can you jump higher
than that table?" - "Of course I
can - tables can't jump!...🎄


(17 Syllables)
FELIZ NAVI,DAD! - "same to you, son"...
The law-abidin' Hunter Biden...
If Laura Bush had married Joe Biden, would
she, too, have been Laura Biden?...(just a
thought - but only just)
To those of you who say Sir Keir Starmer doesn't
stand for anything, let me assure you of this: he
stands for the National Anthem...

Friday, December 18, 2020

Can yorkies bowl yorkers?...


"Have you seen the dog
bowl, darling?" - "I didn't know
it played cricket, pet!"...


(17 Syllables)
Trump denies having anything to do with
'the potential prosecution of Hunter Biden'.
Lies, damed lies and fami-lies (at war)
The man just can't help himself...
Meghan's 'Clevr Blends' drinks - the ideal
accompaniment to misspelt bred!...
(Spelt bread: £2:50, Misspelt bred: £1:00)
SHEPHERD SPY - brought in to help 
Little Bo Peep find her sheep - and he 
didn't half make a meal of it. Quite a 
tasty one, as it turned out...
Who knew? Cruise control involves 
expletive-laden rants!...tut, tut, Tom...

Thursday, December 17, 2020

While the pussy's away, the mice will play...


Me? Henpecked? Haha!
Such tosh! Oops, better go - 
here comes the Mrs...


(17 Syllables) 
Long-distance battery trains? Who would you call
if they break down? The AA - or the AAA?...
An exclusive deal with Spotify? That's one heck of
a Meghaphone for a couple seeking privacy!...
JAB SATISFACTION - how good it is to vaccinate 
people at last!...
AETING - eating disorder...
DYSLXEAI - disorder that affects certain areas of
the brian...
With a little common sense, we CAN enjoy 
ourselves this Christmas, we're told. Tell you 
what, with a little more COMMONS sense, it 
would be a hell of a lot easier!...

Wednesday, December 16, 2020


Succumbing to Covid, a famous abstract 
artist drew his last breath. It later fetched 
a million at auction...

No wonder it's so tough deciding who's going to 
pay for the Hammersmith river crossing to be 
repaired - they all know it's far too risky to 
cross that bridge now they've come to it!...
After yet another Andrew bombshell,
how much longer will he attempt to, 
er, 'duke' it out?...
Capital punishment still exists:
A new Age of Aquarius? What on 
Earth, Jupiter and Saturn are these 
astrologers on about?...

Tuesday, December 15, 2020


Golden retrievers can fetch up to £2,000, 
apparently - though mine's never fetched
more than a stick... 

It's irreverent humour that brings us together as a 
nation, apparently. Bollocks! It's REVEREND humour!
Let's hear it for The Vicar of Dibley!...
Nothing wrong with being as thick as thieves, but 
don't ever accuse us of being as thick as politicians!
Do abstract artists draw on their own experience, 
or do they use sketch pads, like the rest of us?...
EGOLAND - theme park for the self-centred...
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, December 15)

Monday, December 14, 2020


Anti-vaxxers give 
me the needle, man. Does that
make them hypocrites?...


(17 Syllables)
Surprised the EU negotiators agreed to go the
extra mile. I'm pretty sure Ursula von der
Leyen would have pressed for 1.6 kilometers.
JABS FOR THE BOYS - will Boris & co be
amongst the first to get the vaccine?...
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, January 5)
NAZI GORENG - German/Indonesian cuisine...
The 'c' in 'indictment' may be silent, but once 
Trump's left office, I very much doubt his 
detractors will be...
As if Covid wasn't bad enough, it seems we're
now on the verge of an equally disastrous 'chip
Bloody hell! Covid Rail's too efficient for it's 
own good. The next strain's an express, and 
the last one's hardly left the station! Catch it
if you can! But I advise against it...

Sunday, December 13, 2020

The Ten Commandments...


"Thou shalt not this"
And "thou shalt not that" -
(There weren't just a couple, but lots.)
"Thou shalt not this"
And "thou shalt not that" -
They came at a vast rate of nots...

Caveat emptor! Gran's just won a three-course meal
with Roy 'Chubby' Brown. Only hope the meal 
doesn't turn out to be a too coarse one...
If Trump wants to take the credit for the vaccines, 
then let him. May he be forever known as "That 
Vial Man!" (Works better when shouted out loud.
He himself won't get it, seeing as spelling's not
exactly his strong point.)
Bruno Tonioli was paid £33,000...a minute? Seeing
as Strictly's a dance show, couldn't it have been 
£33,000...a minuet? Much more fun!...
JUST A MINUET - the original BBC Third 
Programme panel show...

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Seems I'm a slow learner...


The speed awareness 
course finished. I rushed out. "Hang 
on there, not so fast!"...


(17 Syllables)
Joe Biden & Kamala Harris named Time
MAGAzine 'Person of the Year' ahead of 
your actual Trump? Ouch, that'll hurt!...
The MAGAnificent Seven: Donald & Mike,
Jared, Ivanka, Donald Jr, Melania and Eric. 
A documentary about a bunch of cowboys - 
how about it, Netflix?...
'The country's most senior judge yesterday 
demanded an end to criticism of the judiciary 
for handing serious criminals 'soft' sentences': 
...the Daily Mail sets out its stall by starting its 
report on the subject with what can only be 
described as one heck of a long sentence...
No more AirBee'n'Bee for me. I got stung...
Sorry, can't tell you more about the MPs' vaccine
plot to change our DNA. Sworn to secrecy, old
boy. Signed an NDA. "Bloody hell, it's changed 
Notes from The Gambia...
"Where can I but a pestle and mortar, darling?" -
"From the pound, pound, pound shop, honey"...

Friday, December 11, 2020



Advent calenders?
Bad news, I'm afraid: looks like
their days are numbered...


not feeling too good myself, come to think of it...

(17 Syllables)
Anti-vaxxers needle me...
(Or: "they don't half give me the needle - how's 
that for hypocrisy?")
Tears & Piers on GMB:
At the risk of repeating myself, what's so 
wrong about Matt Hancock crying out loud, 
for crying out loud?...
Really? People put on a posh voice when on the 
phone? Tel: me more, old boy!...(the Hyacinth 
effect? Is that when you answer with a "Hya!"?)
Diversity Grove? Equality Road? Inspire Avenue?
Humanity Close? Respect Way? Sorry, but who-
ever in Birmigham came up with these daft 
names should be given the, er, cul-de-sack...
Kay Burley pops into a Soho restaurant to spend
a penny, and now she's off air? Time off in loo, 
I imagine...

Thursday, December 10, 2020

I've scored! - oh, hang on a sec...


"You crossed the line!" said
my girlfriend. "No, I didn't!" - 
it's VAR time...


("I thought I'd scored!": 17 Syllables)
Killing with kindness...
The last thing the lactose intolerant 
need is the milk of human kindness...
I had an inkling ex-wicketkeeper Jack 
Russell would be a great artist when I 
saw him draw stumps in 2004...
It's my first December in England for 10 years. It's
like being imprisoned in Colditz - a very, very, VERY
Colditz! (When it's hot, it's very, very hot - and when
it's Colditz freezing!) It's also probably why Prince
Charles refers to Gordonstoun as 'Colditz in kilts'!
I'm all for compromise, Boris, but I'm not sure bashing
Ursula von der Leyen over the head with an olive branch
is the way to go...
(von der Woman v The Hulk: Clash of the Titans!)

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Johnson v Macron...


'Le Bust-Up'?: I looked
it up in the dictionary -
it's 'a strained Frenchship'...


(17 Syllables)
Wow, the second person to be given the jab was a 
William Shakespeare! I only hope he wasn't given 
it in his Bottom or Coriolanus...
Are petit four eaters small number crunchers?...
As Americans desperately wait for their shot in the 
arm, Trump continues to shoot himself in the foot...
Donald Trump's presenting some wrestler with the 
Presidential Medal of Freedom, apparently. What 
the hell does Trump know about wrestling? I do
know he was due to wrestle with his conscience
once (just the once!) - but he cried off, of course.
THE EPONYMOUSE HERO - star of many a
Mickey Mouse cartoon...
THE IMBEC-ISLES - a land populated by Covidiots...
COLOUR BAA - there are no black sheep in OUR family!...

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

They don't call me Victor (Pre)Mature for nothing!...


I came as soon as
I got her message. It was
quite embarrassing...


(17 Syllables) 
makes a change from pyjamas... 
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, December 8)...
The days of the advent calendar are numbered.
Not feeling too good myself, come to think 
of it...
A country divided? 'Tis the season of good Will
...and bad Harry. I blame Netflix...
Vernon Kay may have lost two stone on I'm a 
Celebrity - but he gained a few pounds, too....
£250,000, allegedly. Swings and roundabouts!..
The White House tennis court's up and running, 
apparently. Somewhere for Trump to practise 
his volleys of abuse?...

Monday, December 7, 2020

I prefer the Pescatarian Party's policies...


Trump's crackers, Rudy's
bananas and Pence is nuts -
vegan politics!...


(17 Syllables)
I may be broke, but neverthelesstershire:
Such great Christmas decorations! I'm pretty
sure I'll be one of the eager Belvoirs heading
to the castle this festive season!...
These new 'half' Christmas trees are great -
especially if you live in a semi!...
Poilitics, eh? Quite unedifying to witness 
America 'airing its dirty Washing'ton in 
Why should any actress want Botox? An 
actress with no lines isn't an actress, she's an
Any actress who frowns on the use of Botox
is probably grateful she still can...
True happiness comes to those who wait, it 
says in the papers. And it's true. I tried waiting 
once, and if you've got enough tables, the 
tips you get can be fantastic!...

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Pork ow - that's me, all right...

Never marry a 
vegan if you want them to
bring home the bacon...

Talking tripe and eating it...


I've eaten so much
humble pie this week, I've gained
at least six kilos!...


('Eating my words': 17 Syllables)
Here's hoping Alliss is now in Wonderland. RIP,
one of our greatest communicators...
Whats my birthstone? I'm on the cusp, so I'm not
sure. But I'm a Johnny no mates, so it's probably
o pals...
She's hot, but she ain't cool...
Mums, eh? "Just look at that sweater, you'd think 
he'd know better! And as for my daughter, she'll 
wear what I bought 'er!" Talk about Marks and 
Sparks might fly!...
'SPORTS CAR'VERY - a (very) fast food joint.
If carnivores such as Boris have Cumberland-sausage
fingers (news item), do I and my fellow pescatarians
have fish fingers? Either way, a 'substantial' meal, 
surely? Mine's a pint!...
To say half of America is populated by Trump-supporting
nutters is absurd. It can't be more than a third. Scary stuff.
I love my chunky Christmas jumper, it's a look I could
really pull off - if my wife didn't always pull it off first...
"No way are you wearing that!" she screams. Lovingly...

Saturday, December 5, 2020

y-not, indeed?......


"Where does a soldier
like to be vaccinated?" - 
"Er, in the arm-y?"...


(17 Very Sillybles)
"Trees are like human beings - with intelligence and
feelings," says performance artist Marina Abramovic. 
(Which is why I respect my elders - the ones at the 
end of the garden. They never answer back, either - 
we can learn so much from them!)
Relieved to hear that a claim in court that Phil 
Collins went a year without bathing just didn't wash.
'From factory to you - in a suitcase chilled to -70c'?
The very definition of cold comfort! Very, very cold 

Friday, December 4, 2020

left jab, right jab - he doesn't care which arm!...


"My grandfather's in
a vial mood" - "How d'you mean?" - "He
can't wait for his jab!"...


(17 Syllables)
Bill Barr? Is that my Barr Bill in disguise? He's
certainly big enough! (I have a swift half every 
time Trump tells five lies on the trot). Oops, 
there's another! Cheers...
PUB GRUBS - the 'I'm A Celebrity' menu...
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, 6/6/23)
Scotch eggs, Cornish pasties, Welsh rarebit:
not so much 'substantial meals', more a 
package holiday?...
Eins, zwei, drei martinis, bitte. (I'm not even
sure if wet pubs serve dry martinis!)...
Will the review into the South African lottery's 
winning numbers of 5,6,7,8,9 and 10 find 
everything to be, er, perfectly in order?...
What are Highways England going to do about
the 4,000 bridges in 'a poor state'? If they wait
too long, they won't be able to cross that 
bridge when they come to it!...

Thursday, December 3, 2020

P3 government health warning...


When photos are both
eye-popping AND jaw-dropping,
care should be taken...


(17 Syllables)

Theatres, cinemas, pubs, clubs: all closed...





          AIN'T LIFE GRAND!...

A steak that's had its chips...
If a RUMP steak's thick, is a TRUMP steak even thicker?
Yes, but not quite as thick as the man himself...
If a Scotch egg's a 'substantial meal', then I'll eat my hat!
(It's a pork pie one, so it probably tastes better, anyway)
Christmas is coming! Am I allowed to be beside myself
with Joy yet? Or do all three of us still have to social
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, December 16)
"We should all be raindrops," says Prince Harry. Well, the
royal family's sure doing their bit: what a shower!...
Charging for bags that don't fit under the seat? Well, at 
least it's up to me now: eliminate MY overheads or help 
EasyJet pay for theirs...

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Musical suite tooth?...


If music be the
food of love, then play me a
few bars of...CHOC'LATE!


(17 Syllables)
Drinking 5 teas a day can boost brainpower in old 
age, apparently. Really? I'll find out soon enough: 
I've drunk so much of the bloody stuff recently, 
the bags under my eyes have got perforations!...
75% of Britons believe 2021 will be better
than this yaer. The other 25% spelled it correctly...
Jeremy Clarkson fails to answer a motorway
question on 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire'.
Obviously not a Roads Scholar, haha...
The 's' in Ghislaine is silent. Her alleged
victims, hopefully, will no longer be...
Realising his wife had a weakness for cowboys,
Jamie Oliver acquired about 70 plaid shirts, 
apparently. And now they have five children. 
Result! Well plaid, young man!...

Why the hell SHOULD he 
who hesitates be lost when human?...


(17 Syllables)
SCOTCH EGGNOG - part substantial meal,
part Christmas spirit! It's a rum do, 
all right... (Talk about a liquid lunch!)
Can't someone take over Debenhams and
call it 'Getting Out Of Debtenhams'?...
"Won Michigan by a LOT!" screams Trump. 
("I'm losing the p-LOT!" would be nearer 
the mark)...
"Won Michigan by a LOT!" screams Trump. 
(A job lot or a parking lot? I wish he'd be 
more specific)...
What will he be called when he becomes 
bankrupt? Donald Tramp? And his rants?
Will they
A straight red for saying 'handbags'? If the
LGBTQ community had their way, we 
shouldn't even be saying 'straight'!...
I've already had a couple of cancers, and 
now I've discovered a mole in my garden
I just hope it's benign...

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Joe Biden fractures foot playing with his dog...

That'll teach anyone to mess with Joe - I gather
it's German Shepherd's pie on the menu tonight!...
Seeing as he's now having to wear an orthopaedic
support on his foot, this must be the first time 
ever two Presidents have been given the boot 
within a few weeks of each other!...
And as for his dog Major? He's back to Corporal...
Unlike Paul Hollywood and Prue Leith, I'm not one
to judge - but why did 'Bake Off Dave' propose to
his girlfriend on TV in November when the bun had 
been out of the oven since October? Timing issues?...
tribute to frontline workers...
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, December 1)
Joe Biden is said to be bringing a cat into the
White House. Not the first time "pussy" and 
"President" have been mentioned in the same
They should play the Vaccinational Anthem before 
all sporting occasions these days - it would be a 
real shot in the arm...
Two wheels good, four wheels bad - cars can kill!
Why this cyclelogical antipathy towards us bikers?.
If 100million viruses can fit on a pinhead, how 
many can fit on a d***kead? I'm talking about you, 
Trump. And why haven't they yet?...
HALF-ETON MESS - I left the bits of meringue...

Monday, November 30, 2020

but hey, the box it comes in could be...


A pizza's round, a 
slice triangular- NO WAY
is it a square meal...


(17 Syllables)
Xmas money-saving tips (contd.)...
If you can't afford a massive turkey this year, why
not watch one, instead? I recommend 'Did You Hear 
About the Morgans' with Hugh Grant. Sorry, Hugh...
Johnny's Depplorable advert...
'Aftershave advert causes quite a stink'. Hardly 
the sort of headline Dior were after, exactly...
A torch in her face every 15 minutes? Is that a 
detention centre Ghislaine Maxwell's in - or a 
torcher chamber?...
Why does 'The Crown' choose to so badly 
misrepresent the Duke of Edinburgh? Especially
now, when the Queen could do with a bit of a Fillip.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

I don't know much about art, but I know what I'm married to...


My darling wife's as
pretty as a picture. "The
Scream," by Edvard Munch...


(17 Syllables)
Covid guidelines...
Weird, or what? This year I'm told I can't play
Scrabble at Xmas - last year I was told I couldn't
play Xmas at Scrabble! (It's not in the Scrabble 
dictionary, aparently)
No board games at Christmas this year? Shame. 
I got bored playing it last year, but I got it on a
triple word score and won the game! Highlight
of the holiday!...
No Scrabble this year? Bugger! But at least we
can have turkey and all the trimmings - a 
24-square meal fit for a ***king **** *****! 
(aka 'an effing sore loser')

Saturday, November 28, 2020

whatever it is, it's been cured...


What do you save if
you save a vegan's life? Not
their bacon, surely?...


(17 Syllables)
Donald Trump probably saw himself as the Terminator.
Doesn't seem too keen on being a 'Single Term'inator...
Trump was always accusing Biden of having a bunker
mentality. If he hates bunkers that much, why spend so
much time in them on the golf course? Hypocrisy?...
Below par in the Oval Office, above par on the golf
course - how much better would Trump's presidency
have been had it been the other way round?... 
#DiaperDon - King of the North American incontinent...

Friday, November 27, 2020

The route of all evil ---> (closed for repairs)


Great news! The Government's going to plough 
loadsamoney into infrastructure, apparently. 
And yippee, the road to ruin's going to be one of 
the first to be resurfaced!...

It's as if they knew: the less tax you pay, the 
longer HMRC takes to pick up the phone. 
Just to tax you that little bit more...
PRETTY POLLYTECHNIC - where students learn things parrot-fashion...
"DO NOT ENTER"TAINMENT - our theatres are closed...
BEAU-TfL - my Freedom Pass!...
Any truth in the rumour #DiaperDon wants to take over
the already sh***y Incontinental Hotels?...

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Bring on the Covid slay bells!...


We're all wanting a
Christmas to die for. And
this year we just might!...


(17 Syllables)
Diego Maradona, RIP...
We mourn your passing. But not your heading
or dribbling - that was pretty good. RIP and
God speed, Diego...
Newspapers say drinking cocoa will make me 
smarter. I sure hope so, I made a right Horlicks 
of my exams last week...
HANDKERMINION - underling who works for 

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Once you've heard it, you can never UNhear it!...


Abe Lincoln's back in
the White House! "Good luck in your
new job,  A. Blinken!"...


('US Secretary of state, Antony Blinken': 17 Syllables)
Tiers of a clown (Boris, to you) - they're getting tougher:
-------------------------------- o -----------------------------------
No wonder business chiefs are calling the Conservatives
the 'purgaTory Party'...
Fox, duck, goose, turkey, bird...
Fox Channel's (lame)duck golden goose pardons turkey
as world gives him the bird. Seems the White House has
turned into a petting zoo...

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Poetic justice...


Notice to thieves: if you leave a message in an
empty safe saying "you've been screwed", you 
can hardly complain if the cops later come along
and say "you've been nailed"...

Did I hear right? The Archbishop of Canterbury is to
take a three-month Abbatical to study Swedish 
popular music?...
Cyclists of the world, unite! "2 wheels good, 4 wheels 
bad!" as I'm sure George Orwell would have written 
had he still been alive...
If you tip a waiter too much, will he fall over? (asks 
the man who hates coarse jokes, but doesn't mind 
sweet-course ones)

Monday, November 23, 2020

Mrs laughter-dinner speaker...


it's murder being a
female comic - better make
that (wo)manslaughter... 

If Boris is pants, does Carrie wear the 
How can you say being a comedian's murder?
As far as I could see, no-one came CLOSE to
dying of laughter during your set...
White Hose leaks confirm 'Sleepy Joe' will 
be more than grateful to have Dr Faucet on 
tap still. Hose? Leaks? Faucet? Tap? It's 
Watergate all over again!...

Sunday, November 22, 2020



When will the vaccine
be Maida Vailable to
my mum in N6?...


(17 Syllables)
Politicians tend to call a spad a spad. Me, I prefer 
the term 'special adviser'...
No wonder Boris let Priti Patel off the hook. It's
what fish huggers do...
Does equal opportunity mean there'll be just as
many 'womenial' jobs as 'menial' ones in future?...
Ironic, or what? I hear Prince Charles hates a
certain Netflix royal drama so much, he wants to
Crown the producers. I imagine that's not quite 
the same as a knighthood...

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Only use very well-red onions [sic - if you eat too much]


TARAMASALATA has 6 straight 'A's! 
That's 6 more than the average Trump 
supporter, I would suggest. Food for 
thought? Or thoughtful food?...

Vaccine rollout plan...
Presumably the local vaccination centre's going to 
be known as the Jabcentre Plus?...
Wokeness gone mad...
According to the BBC, will the Lord's Prayer now 
have to end "...for thine is the kingdom, the power 
and the glory, for ever and ever. Apeople."?...
Come the 'green revolution', I doubt we'll be seeing
much of Vin Diesel...
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, November 23)
President Trump's advisers: "74,000,000 votes, sir! 
Your numbers are up!" The American people: 
"74,000.000 votes, pal! Your number's up!" No 
wonder he's confused...

Friday, November 20, 2020

Labour leader withdraws whip from Corbyn...


Bumped into Jeremy Corbyn yesterday. 
He did seem to be in need of a bit of TLK. 
Tender loving Keir...

DAY KEIR CENTRE - House of Commons.
TENDER LOVING KEIR - opposition leader's softer side.
KEIRLESS - leaderless Labour Party.
INTENSIVE KEIR - opposition leader grills the PM.
KEIRWORN - suit once owned by opposition leader.
HEALTH KEIR CENTRE - opposition leader's bathroom cabinet.
CHILD KEIR - I want to be PM when I grow up.
BLEAK HOUSE - the White House till inauguration day...
The easier it is to pull on your trackie bottoms, the harder it
is to pull off the look...(V. Hefter, Daily Mail, November 19)
Keep your hair (dye) on, Rudy!...
Talk about a 'heated' press conference! Could it possibly be 
Rudy Giuliani's hair dye was running...for office? That really
would leave America browned off. Not sure which shade, 

Thursday, November 19, 2020

wow, it's worse than I thought (2)...


"My dad's crazy!" - "Why? 
Does he hear voices in his 
head?" - "No, he smells them"... 


(17 Syllables)
Will Jab Centres offer hope to the unemployed next
year? It'll take a lot of people to help vaccinate the
entire population...
Emma Thompson says she would rather stare at a 
table for two hours than have sex sometimes. Men, 
on the other hand, after staring at a table for two 
hours, would probably try to lay it...

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

when the ground's both hot and coal'd, haha...


Firewalkers are by far the worst climate 
change offenders - dirty great big carbon 
footprints all over the bloody shop!...


(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, November 18)
Heading a dementia taskforce will be a good deal 
safer than heading a football. At least now the world's 
waking up to the fact...
I bet my brother that Nigella Lawson's way of spreading
butter's no better than the conventional way. He wasn't
interested - he says he's not into spread betting...
I hear Dominic Cummings is now a cartoon stripper?
Has he joined the Chippendales?...

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

the funny bone...


Of course women can be comics! My 
sister's a comedian and most of her jokes 
are close to the bone - but it's always  
the humerus, haha...

New vaccine 95% effective! Outgoing US President 95% 
INeffective! Talk about perfect symmetry!...
"These great discoveries all took place on my watch,"
crows Donald Trump. "Which just happens to be a Rolex," 
he can't resist adding. Seems he just can't help himself...

Princess Camilla, the well-connected haiku...


Princess Camilla
Crociani de Bourbon
des Deux Siciles...


Is there anyone else on this planet whose name forms
a perfect haiku? Pretty niche, I know, but for those of 
us who haven't got a life, it's like...YIPPEE! 😂

(17 Syllables)

Monday, November 16, 2020

wow, it's worse than I thought...


My dad's crazy. "Does
he hear voices in his head?" 
No, in his elbow...


Given America's lax gun laws, it's a bit scary
to think of Trump supporters being able to 
wander around witrh loaded MAGAzines...
Never mind news networks and social media
companies, maybe Trump should think about 
starting his very own MAGAzine?...
Will a Boris shorn of Cummings have his 
shortCummings exposed?...
Keep Calm and (a right old) Carrie
Ms Symonds goes nuts, crackers and bananas! 
Who knew she was a vegan!?...