Wednesday, January 26, 2022

No 10's 'fine wine' - drink the wine, pay the fine!...


A birthday party
at No 10? I wonder
who'll Carrie the can?...


(17 Syllables)
Boris has apparently told friends he can't wait to draw a line
under the 'partygate' scandal. "Draw a line - or SNORT a line, 
Boris?" The police are investigating...
You can't beat a red, white and blue drinks party! We had 
one yesterday: bought loads of red and loads of white and 
blue our budget, haha...
APPLE CORPS - Granny Smith's old regiment?
If Trump runs for President, will Melania run for the hills?
These aren't just any canapés, they're Chef Blanc's tin can-apés!
BIDET - two days before D-Day.

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