Pork pie plotters, pork
barrel politics, porky
pies from the PM...
...well, if I'm NOT pig sick of it all, I've certainly got a beef with it!...
(17 Syllables)
The difference between Adele and Ken Dodd? Adele's
motto these days seems to be "must the show go on?"
while Ken Dodd's was always "the show MUST go on
...and on...and on...and on"... God rest his soul.
DEEP SEA DIVA - Adele can't reach the high C's...
If Westminster is the mother of all parliaments,
let's just be grateful that Boris isn't the father.
There'd be no getting rid of him!
The Land of the Long White Cloud has become the
Land of the Long DARK one: sad, but true - lockdown-
loving Lefties are turning married couples in New
Zealand into miserable 'His and Her'mits...
How many users will be attracted to Katie Price's tacky
OnlyFans site? If poetic justice has anything to do with it
the answer would be "NUN!" Avoid religiously...
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, January 31)
My response to Boris Johnson's denial that he was in any
way involved in the evacuation of dogs from Afghanistan?
"A lawyer, not a leader," says Boris of Sir Keir. Better 'a
lawyer, not a leader' than a LIAR, not a leader, Boris,"
say I. Now piss off out of here...
Who knew? Turns out Watergate was just a non-
alcoholic precursor of Boris's Winegate...
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