Tuesday, September 1, 2020

A Sloane off his podium invites only odium...


"LOOK, NO HANS!" - British
Museum removes Sir Hans Sloane
from his pedestal...


('Slaves to political correctness': 17 Syllables)
"GOAL!" shouted Harry Maguire's fans last season...
"GAOL!" shout his detractors now. And yes, he's guilty
as charged - but at least it's a suspended sentence. Lousy
defence, I gather. But that's always been England's
problem, right?...
See you later, Mr Slater...
A Permanent Secretary who gets axed is not a Permanent
Secretary, he's just a Secretary...
Will Strictly celebrities have to practise social disdancing?...
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, August 31)
Calendar Cliff, 2021? Colander Cliff, more like - he looks
drained. (It's what personal drainers do, right?)
It's September 1! Bring out the sweaters and long trousers!
(An autumnatic reaction, as far as I'm concerned). I love
every month of the year - exceptember...

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