Wednesday, September 30, 2020

central line, circle line, clothes line...


optimists on a
train know they'll alight at the
end of the tunnel...


(17 Syllables)
TIC TAX - only to be paid by those who are  making 
a mint (Trump's favourite)
SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER - by The Heebeegeebees.
Little did they know it, but it turned out to be Covid.
Could a Harry & Meghan 'fly-on-the-wall' documentary
be followed by a Buckingham Palace 'fly-off-the-handle' one?...
He's 'misspeaking' so much these days, should someone be 
following our PM around with a nincompooper scooper?...
(Vincent Hefter, Daily Mail, October 2)
Does 'antisocial distancing' mean 'moving further and further
to the right'?...
Boris says he's as fit as a butcher's dog. Does this explain why
he's continuously barking up the wrong tree when trying to
stop the spread of Covid?...

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