Wednesday, September 9, 2020

skating on thin ice?...


I know what figure
skating is. But what's nigure
skating? On black ice?...

Is it now completely unacceptable to tell such
jokes? Yes, Black Lives DO Matter (how can
anyone in their right mind think otherwise?)
but so does having a sense of humour. Wordplay
plain and simple, not racism...
Megha-bucks deal for Harry...
The Duke & Duchess of Sussex and
Coronetflix - a match made in heaven?...
Britons are ditching red meat for pizza,
apparently. Seems we're not into square
meals any more - not when there are
round ones to be had...
Carrie Symonds: a woman to die(t) for..
As the pounds continue to drop off him,
Boris Johnson is fast becoming what
many people have long thought of him:
a political lightweight...

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