Friday, March 4, 2022

Once a comedian, always a...HERO!

                    VOLODYMYR ZELENSKY
                PUTIN? HE'S F***ING BANANAS!
                  (forgive the fruity language)
                             STAY STRONG!

---- one mango is worth any number of bananas ----


exercise may be
meat and drink to me - but what
is it to vegans?...


(17 Syllables)
I used to look up to Imran Khan when he was a cricketer.
Now he's signing trade deals with Russia. Just goes to
show: never judge a book by its cover drive...
EPONYMOUSE - Mickey's happy to give his name to anything!
Liz Truss once said the last thing she wanted to be was
Foreign Secretary. Let's hope she gets her wish...
What do I like to wear in bed? NOTHING! What do I
like my wife to wear? ME OUT, haha! (I live in hope)
Is forging a chef's signature dish a crime? (If I end up
doing porridge, I hope it's not Heston Blumenthal's.
It's got snails in it!)
The fruit fly was desperate for something to drink. Suddenly 
it saw some fruit on the ground, and it knew it was saved. It's 
just as they say: "cometh the hour, cometh the mango"...

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