Wednesday, March 23, 2022

penne pinching...


My recipe book's
a scrapbook, really - that's all
I can afford. Scraps...


(17 Syllables)
An 8-page special on savings? Thank you, Money Mail. I
didn't read any of it, so least ten minutes.
As Kurt Zouma's now found out: make your cat's life hell 
and you've not got a cat in hell's chance of getting away
with it. Poetic justice, I guess...
Andy Warhol and Ukraine War hell, side by side in the 
paper. An estimated £150 million for a 40 inch square 
silkscreen image on the one hand, God knows how many 
million refugees fleeing for their lives on the other. What 
sort of warped planet do we live on?...
Snowboarding's great if you're piste off with business -
standing on a board's so much more fun than sitting on one!
So what if a street's called Nelson's Row? Can't Lambeth
Council just turn a blind eye to it?...
KILLERWATTS - my leccy bill will be the death of me!...
No matter how severe the current financial crisis, I know
I'll always manage to put food on the table. Trouble is, 
it'll be someone ELSE'S table. I'm a waiter...
£14.99 for a bottle of Sandringham washing-up liquid? I
wonder if there's an equally expensive Sandringham soap
available should the Queen decide to was her hands of 
such blatant commercialisation...
Sandringham washing-up liquid: perfet for cleaning the 
dishes after a hearty meal of (House of) Windsor soup
and (Mount)battenberg cake. (How else to raise the
money for Andrew's out-of-court settlement?)
Our hens are pretty domesticated - not only did they 
lay these eggs, they laid the table, too...
"I grant you 3 Rishis," said the genie. "Tell you what,
mate - if any ONE of them can get us out of this mess,
then it's the CHANCELLOR who's the f**king genie-us".

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