Sunday, March 6, 2022

the root, maybe?...


if the M4 is
the route of all evil, what
the hell is money?...


(17 Syllables)
Maybe former Education Secretary "Sir" Gavin Williamson 
could go back to something he's far better qualified for: 
do any schools require a knight watchman?...
(Vincent Hefter, Mail on Sunday, March 6)
Boris has got a 6-point plan - and so have Norwich: two 
more away wins before the end of the season. Not sure if 
either plan will succeed, to be honest...
It once cost a former Russian minister's wife £160,000 to play
a clown - at tennis. I wonder what playing the clown will
eventually cost the clown himself?... #Boris
Allowing Russian sportspeople to compete as 'neutrals' is the
equivalent of changing the label on a bottle of Russian vodka
just before taking a swig from it - a load of absolute bollocks!
(No disrespect to Absolut Vodka, which is great, by the way)
The Duchess of Cambridge may well be descended from goat
breeders, but I doubt she can tell the difference between an
Anglo-Nubian and a Norland Nanny!...
It may well take only nine minutes to charge a phone soon - but
I bet it'll still take weeks to charge any Partygate wrongdoers!
Chips are now our most chucked-away takeaway, a study has
revealed - but the one on my shoulder's going nowhere fast, OK?
Just sayin... (Nor the one on Nikita Mazepin's...nor the one on
Nick Hancock's...nor the one on (etc)...)

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